日期:2012-08-14 11:45




Is it science or is it art? Californian company Yonder biology says it's both. For several hundred dollars depending on your chosen design, former biotech scientists Stein Sarah and Andy Bess would take your DNA, and turn it into a portrait.
这是科技还是艺术?加利福尼亚的一家公司Yonder biology说,两者都是F-2%is3%YP9mmgU1。根据你选择的不同设计,花费几百美元nLQ+E)8&i;qdwG2R。前生物技术学家Stein Sarah和Andy Bess将分析你的DNA图谱,并将它制成画像(4m,;6._DnlP@IbV#


A lot of people, they don't even know what DNA looks like or you know, it's just, it's just an idea. This we can actually give them something tangible that they can hold them in their hands,and say ' Oh, this is me. This is what my DNA is. '


DNA makes for intriguing art given it's complicated scientific funtion. The genes within DNA are passed down from each parent and determine such characteristics as hair colour and skin tone. And because each customer is unique, so is the portrait. The artistic process begins with a cheek swab. The cells collected on the swab contain the DNA which Yonder biology extracts and processes to the point where it can be imaged on the computer. Dean Sauer says scientists have been using similar methods for decades.
DNA的艺术画像体现着深远的科学原理FnG2Z=rrilbN。人类基因中的DNA来自父母双方,决定着人的身体特征,如发色和肤色,rxuXcbTq+++。因为每一个人的DNA都是独一无二的,因此DNA也可作为人类画像kO^Hg8o*QNyd)O。DNA艺术的加工从接触过口腔的棉签开始e[YDh40!0#5。棉签上沾上人类细胞,细胞中含有DNA,Yonder bieology公司对DNA进行提取加工,在电脑上画出DNA图谱6ecJ9F~pdn+EqO~]。Dean Sauer表示,科学家们使用这种技术已有几十年历史7CMfFV(ayS4Q


It's not a cutting-edge technology, I mean, this technology has been around since the 1980s. So, it's nothing really new, but it's definitely new to the average everday consumer. Consumers like Charlie Bishop whose best friend passed away 2 years ago. Charlie ended up marrying his late friend's widow, and adopting their daugher Lauren who's 7 months old at the time. For his wife's birthday, Bishop ordered a Yonder biology artwork mixing a photograph of Lauren with her DNA, a pictorial link to her late father.
这不是尖端技术,这种技术自从20世纪80年代就存在了X]DXXU)^&~QSrD%x&B。它并不新鲜,但将它服务于普通人却是头一次^FcfN+s8N];hM=H7。客人们如Charlie Bishop,他最好的朋友两年前去世了,他后来和好友的遗孀结婚并抚养朋友当时7个月大的女儿Lauren_S+#jm_~uy54。在他妻子的生日时,他来到Bishop ordered定制了Lauren的DNA画像送给妻子R@GW1V%ZeP。同时也是纪念孩子已故的父亲29zYwTL#AOb9j


It's not just a piece of art, it's, it's a connection with the past, it's the connection to Lauren' dad, to my best friend.


And for Andy Bess and Dean Sourer it's a product of the growing business that they say has become a part of their DNA.
而对于Andy Bess和Dean Sourer来说,公司蒸蒸日上的DNA画像业务已经融入到他们身体的DNA中了xY0;yGe9ZFXp5


Robert Muir Reuters.
Robert Muir报道,路透社消息qz=0rqlP~Vu^



  • characteristicsn. 特性,特征;特质;特色(characteristi
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • portraitn. 肖像,画像 adj. (文件页面)竖的
  • intriguingadj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通
  • bishopn. 主教 n. (国际象棋中的)象
  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定
  • pictorialadj. 绘画的 n. 画报
  • artisticadj. 艺术的
  • tangibleadj. 有形的,可触摸的,确凿的,实际的
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的