日期:2012-08-22 11:17




Kinect Microsoft's hands-free Xbox 360 add-on is hitting the stores. Launch events like this one in Time Square are being used to get the world out around the world. Microsoft is hoping the Kinect connects with holiday shoppers. They recently raised their sale forecast to five million units. Mike Delman is the vice president for Xbox global marketing.
微软的无手柄游戏机Kinect Xbox 360已全面上架%#I_N|xo..Uy@wR。如这场时代广场的发布活动,各地的宣传活动将全世界的人们带入到虚拟的游戏世界中p[OFOzR3)!A_O。微软希望Kinect在假日购物季能够大卖[Q8ha|gqT_s4。Kinect最近的销售量有所上升,累计已卖出500万台d#H7OTf4Bkz*。Mike Delman是Xbox国际市场部的副主席X)k5glH5!KC)Za!


We think once people start playing this, you watch them. And an interesting thing is it's not only the people playing, they get energized and are rolling enthusiastic about it, but you'll find people actually gathering around and it's fun to watch people play. So we think this is gonna be a really hot holiday gift, gift-giving idea.
我们认为人们一旦开始尝试使用Xbox 360,或是看别人玩Xbox&RxT0(Px;Dm@DF4b。有趣的是不仅是亲身体验的人,连一旁观看的你也会觉得充满力量,心情愉快nsw|GE2sNTPPBWL3o。而你会发现周围的人们愿意聚拢过来观看别人是怎么玩的3%uKc7o_)t&3^c[E=0H。因此,我们认为这款Xbox游戏机将是假期档最热的礼物e0U(6GI2Docqe


So as you can see, there is no hand controller with the Microsoft Kinect. My body is the controller. That's a big difference from competitors like the Nintendo Wii and the PlayStation Move.
要知道,微软的Kinect游戏机并没有手柄jUUW&O4fW9]z。人的身体就是遥控器BNg11Mc&f;u。这是和其他竞争对手如任天堂Wii和PlayStation Move的根本区别~s@4R.0Zqnp|6GJP09


Another big difference—price, at about $150 on top of buying an Xbox 360. It's more expensive than an Nintendo Wii, but CNN Stan Acamen believes there's a lot of hidden value for consumers.
另一个很大的差别就是价格h4g,*hYpZ(,xXKOz。你需要花费150美元购买一台Xbox 360SjnurPaf|ysgzM。这比任天堂Wii要贵得多,但CNN STan Acamen认为这款游戏机还蕴藏着很大的商机]0BI86Ci~8Wd6


For something it's basically a big super fancy Webcam. $150 may seem expensive but it's definitely more advanced than any Webcam that you have, and in fact, you use it as a game controller, as a motion controller for your console, as a voice command center and also things like a video version of Skype. You can video chat with people. It really makes me feel like, more like a premium console add-on than just a Webcam.


It's a high stakes game for Microsoft. The $20 billion US video game market has been hard hit by the economic downturn. So the pressure is on for Microsoft to score big with Kinect.


Bobbi Rebell, Reuters.
Bobbi Rebell报道,路透社消息~.O5NU)E4-



  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • forecastn. 预测,预报 v. 预测
  • enthusiasticadj. 热情的,热心的
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • scoren. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱 vt. 记分,刻划,划线,
  • consolevt. 安慰,慰藉 n. 仪表盘,操控台,(游戏)平台
  • commandn. 命令,指挥,控制 v. 命令,指挥,支配 n. [
  • advancedadj. 高级的,先进的