日期:2019-10-11 20:40



In the 1990s, researchers identified a tiny structure that played a key role in how rodents dealt with "ambiguous threats"—ones that didn't place them in immediate danger. Called the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST), it was about the size of a sunflower seed and located near the amygdala. While the amygdala appears to be the brain area primarily involved in activating the fight-or-flight response, the BNST kicks in when we have reason to remain hypervigilant—that hormone-driven state of hyperarousal we feel in our bodies when we are tense in the face of uncertainty.
"What the amygdala is to fear, the BNST is to anxiety,"


Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis.jpg


In a neuroimaging lab at the University of Louisville, Brendan E. Depue, a psychology professor, has shown how these findings in rodents manifest in humans. Placing students one by one in an fMRI machine, Depue simulated fear conditions by showing subjects images of fearful faces and playing them sounds of human screams. To simulate ambiguous threats, he simply projected a blank screen and informed subjects that a scream or fearful face could occur at any time, but the subject might also at any time be shown a neutral face and hear indistinct coffee shop chatter instead. Under these conditions, the amygdala consistently activated when the screams and scared faces appeared and the BNST was more engaged with the ambiguous threats.
"Mostly people who complain, or go into counseling, or seek therapy are really not there for a reaction to a fear stimulus," Depue says. "They're there because they're tormented by anticipation of an unpredictable event. It's just in their mind. It causes them to develop a chronic and maladaptive vigilance to the environment. We think that can be attributed more to the BNST than the amygdala."
“大多数人抱怨,或去咨询,或寻求治疗,并不是为了对恐惧刺激的反应,” 赛义德表示*Y|HY;DNYZkdHX2U;_。“他们在那里是因为他们被不可预知事件的预期所折磨6pmPwC13@ci#d。这只是他们的想法s_yLL8^4;u7。它使他们对环境产生慢性和不适应的警觉BS5C7Hwndw6G。我们认为终纹床核比杏仁核更能解释这一现象PjshNnXz0D9IBgz。”
