攻克雅思超级外教课 第81期:如何有效增加词汇量(5)
日期:2016-09-28 15:22


These words you're almost sure or at least you recognize these words, you've seen them before, you've heard them before, you can guess what they mean maybe in context.
So you're not sure, put them in this...this pile, this pile you will look at all the time.
And then in the last pile, you put words that you really don't know, okay?
This is the pile you will look at the most, you will study these words.
As they become more familiar, you move them to this pile, this pile you study also very regularly.
You take this... this pile is the one you put in your pocket and take with you, when you go outside.
On the bus, look at your words, long line at the bank, pull out your cards, look at the words, okay?
When this word becomes very comfortable for you, when you know what this word means, move it over to this pile, leave it at home, okay?
Don't know-almost sure-know, study-move-study- move-put aside, once in a while look at them just make sure you remember.
Because if you never look at these again, you will forget them, okay?
So it's all the time, continual, you have to practice, practice, practice, practice.
Vocabulary is a lot of memorization, that's the way it is.
Now here's another thing you can do, okay, this is the last one I'll show you today.
What you do is you make yourself groups of words, okay?
You take... you can do it many ways, you can make yourself a little... like a... a little brainstorm.
You, for example if we're looking at root, you write the root in here "-ject" and then you wirte reject, inject eject, subject etc, or in a list, however way it works for you.
举个例子来说,如果我们在看词根,你们在这里写下词根"-ject",然后写下单词reject, inject eject, subject等等,或者你们也可以列一个表,无论什么方式,只要对你们来说有用就行。
So three ways that I will recommend to group words, again if you like the roots, group them like that: eject, reject, object, subject, inject.
我会给你们推荐三种单词分组的方法,再说一下,如果你们喜欢词根,那就按照词根分组,比如:eject, reject, object, subject, inject。
Now the reason you're going to make groups is because maybe you don't remember object or object, remember, now moreover,
but you remember "-ject", you remember this group, you sort of remember what "-ject" means, so you can apply it to object.
"-ject" is like push, in most contexts object is push away, refuse, okay?
So if you don't remember the word, hopefully you will remember the idea of the group and then that will remind you what the word means, okay?
