日期:2022-01-04 10:02





As soon as you find your thoughts deflecting to the path of material desires, switch them immediately back to the path of preserving your essential nature. As soon as you become aware of an evil thought flitting through your mind, turn away from it. That way you can turn disaster into a blessing and snatch life from the jaws of death. On no account should you lightly miss such opportunities.

(保罗·怀特 译)

As soon as a thought comes into being and is sensed approaching the path of material desire, bring it back immediately to the rational path. Better sense the vicious thought the moment it arises, and reverse it the moment it is sensed. This is a critical moment to turn bad fortune into good and bring the dying back to life. Never let off such moment.

(周文标 译)

When some idea emerges, the moment you see that it may lead to the road of desire, you should turn round to the road of reason. See as soon as the idea emerges, and turn round as soon as you see: this is the critical moment for turning misfortune into fortune and, as it were, bringing the dying back to life.

(蒋坚松 译)

