日期:2015-08-05 11:30



1.Many poor parents send their children to Head Start.
如果head start的字母是小写,就是普通名词了,是指比別人早着手,或领先、 有利。例如:In order to give his son a head start, the father decided to send him to a private kindergarten. 为了让他的儿子有好的开始,他决定把儿子送到私立幼儿园去。如果这两个字开头的字母是大写,则连在一起是一个专有名词,指的是美国政府为贫穷或弱智的儿童设立的一种训练机构,帮助他们,希望他们在进小学之前能赶上教学进度。也就是:例如: Many poor parents send their children to Head Start.很多贫穷的家庭都将他们的孩子送去Head Start接受提前教育。

2.Mr. Lin comes from a blue blooded family.
3.Blue blood字面意思是蓝色的血,在俚语中是指有钱人或出身富家的人。比如:He has blue blood.也可以表达为He is blue blooded. Blue blooded类似形容词用法。Mr. Lin comes from a blue blooded family. 林先生出身豪门。再比如:Many blue blooded children attend this private school. (许多有钱人家的孩子就读这所私立学校。

3. Life is not always a bed of roses.
这句话的意思是:生活未必都是称心如意的。Bed of roses字面意思是“玫瑰之床”,床令人感到舒服,玫瑰美丽却有刺,因此bed of roses表示称心如意的境遇;美好、理想的"安乐窝"。Life is not always a bed of roses. 生活未必都是称心如意的。Young people think that marriage will be a bed of roses. 年轻人都认为婚姻是美好的。

在今天的节目中,我们学习了三个短语:Head Start、blue blood、bed of roses。了解更多口语资讯,关注《可可茶话会》,我是Canace,新浪微博ID是“Canace洁瑜”。感谢收听,再见!

背景音乐:The Lylas - Come Back
