日期:2022-12-01 14:47


Hello, you’re listening to Fly with Lily. I'm your new friend Philip. I come from Switzerland and I am a content creator of travel, adventure and traditions. Currently, I am on the lakeside of Atitlan in Guatemala because I'm working as a volunteer for a Spanish school, which I create content for, so I make videos and photos. My dream is to become a full-time creator. How about you?

你好,你正在收听的是Fly with Lily,我是你的新朋友Philip。我来自瑞士,我是一个专门制作有关旅行、冒险和传统文化的内容创作者。现在我在瓜地马拉(危地马拉)的亚特兰湖区这里为一个西班牙语学校做志工。我在这里为他们创作学校的宣传影片还有照片。我的梦想是成为一个全职的内容创作者。你呢?

