日期:2014-06-20 16:40



Farish Jenkins
Farish Jenkins, paleontologist and polymath, died on November 11th aged 72
INDIANA JONES is the ultimate action -hero academic: played by Harrison Ford, the indomitable professor outwits Nazis and other villains in search of religious relics, lost temples and alien artefacts. Farish Jenkins preferred a rifle to a bullwhip, and it was palaeontology, not archaeology, that he made glamorous. But he did have a stylish hat, a military background and adventures in wild places. His adoring students dubbed him the real life version of the cinematic creation.

A Marine Corps captain, he trained as an artillery officer, “cascading expensive, high explosive ordnance onto stockpiles of junk cars”. Unlike most modern academics, he defied categorisation into narrow specialism. A “hybrid” as he put it, he was anatomist, zoologist and vertebrate palaeontologist in equal measure.
Arriving at Yale to study geology in 1964, he was told that all major aspects of vertebrate evolution were already understood. He feared that he and his friends would be left “to build our careers with carefully stacked minutiae”. In fact, “titanic” discoveries awaited. But to crack the secrets of the fossil world, he had to master not only the rocks but the organisms they hid. He was the first Yale Graduate School student to cross over to the Medical School, to study anatomy and embryology.
Later, he illustrated his lectures with fine anatomical drawings, painstakingly rendered with what he proudly called Harvard's best collection of sharpened chalks (he was not a PowerPoint person). When necessary, he would draw bones and muscles on his own suit. To illustrate the body's natural shock-absorbers, he would stomp round the room on a peg leg, reading the description of Captain Ahab's gait in “Moby Dick”. Students loved that, and how he timed his lectures to the second.
He had no time for academic squabbles and protocol, brushing off rebukes and bureaucratic constraints. Charm was his first weapon, obstinacy his second. It was not just his clothes and vocabulary that were old-fashioned. He prized thoroughness. Unusually for modern academia, he showered praise on colleagues and deprecated his own triumphs. But he was a mighty foe when roused. He could swear like a Marine, “without repeating myself” and helped oust the abrasive Larry Summers from the Harvard presidency.
The first field trip was to Africa, where his “very close and extremely naive encounters” with the local fauna included a self-portrait with a black rhino (plentiful as “rats in a dump” in those days). The beast took offence and charged; Mr Jenkins made it back to his car minus a lens cap. Living vertebrates, he decided, were just as interesting as their extinct relatives.
High speed cineradiography, plus treadmills and a wind tunnel gave him new insights into how animals move: walking, trotting, galloping, flying and brachiating (the way monkeys swing). His efforts reached, he said proudly, “circus-like” proportions. “Tree shrews ricocheted across my bookshelves and desk,” he recalled. University bosses were appalled. His students and colleagues were captivated.
But fieldwork was even more fun. The most arduous expeditions were to east Greenland and arctic Canada, armed with lavatory paper to wrap the fossils, and chocolate bars for the diggers. Mr Jenkins was a distinctive addition to the landscape: invariably well-dressed, and sporting a beloved Czechoslovak rabbit-fur hat, a pocket-watch, a flask of vodka and a gun. He rigged trip wires and automatic rifle fire to deter polar bears from the camp at night. A cast of a huge paw print in his office was a souvenir of a particularly narrow escape.
The trophies of those trips were carefully chipped open at Harvard. One proved to be the great find of his life: Tiktaalik roseae. “Rose” was the Christian name of an anonymous benefactor who subsidised the expeditions. Tiktaalik was a homage to his Inuit hosts: their word for a large freshwater fish. In fossil-speak the discovery was “the elpistostegalian central to understanding the emergence of tetrapods”. In layman's language, it was a 375m-year-old fish with legs, a rudimentary ear and a snout for catching prey—a vital clue to how living beings first moved from sea to land.
Smart man
Another big find was what he called the “ugliest animal in the world”. It was a 210m-year-old armoured marine creature. Mr Jenkins spotted its distinguishing feature: that it opened its mouth by lifting its upper jaw. He was crucial in discovering the world's earliest known frog, which unlike its salamander-like ancestors had hind legs for jumping. He found that in 1981 in the Arizona desert. It initially looked like “road kill”, his colleague Neil Shubin said: a 190m-year-old mash of four different frog skeletons. The two men spent the next 14 years picking them apart and putting them back together. They named their find Prosalirus bitis, combining a Latin word meaning “leap forward” with a Navajo word for “high above it”.
詹金斯称他的另一个重大发现为“世界上最丑的动物”。这种有着坚硬外壳的海洋生物距今已有2.1亿年。詹金斯先生发现了这种生物所独有的特征:通过抬起上颌来张嘴。在发现人类已知的最早的蛙类上詹金斯也扮演了十分关键的角色,这种蛙类和它的祖先蝾螈不同,它没有用来弹跳的后肢。1989年,詹金斯在亚利桑那沙漠发现了这种生物。他的同事尼尔·舒宾说,最初他们发现这种生物时,它们看起来像是“被车压死的”:四只距今已有1.9亿年的蛙类的骨骼被压碎了搅在一起。詹金斯和舒宾两个人花了14年的时间把这些骨骼分开,又重新组合在一起。他们将这种蛙类命名为Prosalirus bitis,这一名字由拉丁文中的“向前跳”和纳瓦霍语中的“高于某物”组合而成。
After a bout of cancer he dismissed a visitor's worries, saying: “as a palaeontologist, I'm familiar with extinction.” In his spare time he trapped the chipmunks that infested his barn and made prodigious quantities of cider from his own apples.

1.in search of 寻找

Lawyers in search of new markets.

At the time, jazz was really just a well-capitalized platform in search of product.

2.cross over 穿过

He's developed a cross over dribble.

Airborne and soon approaching the timika airport we cross over a river.

3.render with 渲染

I do my render with the textures activated and the red light off.

The facades have a backdrop of white render with individual elements highlighted with cladding of varying colors.
4.brush off 刷掉;掸掉

Still, many true believers will brush off the rattle and keep on believing.

Increased public scrutiny will also make it harder for executives to brush off criticism.

  • scrutinyn. 周密的调查,细看,监视
  • plentifuladj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的
  • preyn. 被掠食者,牺牲者 vi. 捕食,掠夺,使 ...
  • collectionn. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • riflen. 步枪 v. 洗劫,抢劫
  • benefactorn. 恩人,捐助者,赠送者
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • vitaladj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的