经济学人:梵蒂冈和土耳其 永世铭记
日期:2015-04-28 16:32



The Vatican and Turkey
Never forget
Forthrightness about a past atrocity provokes a strong reaction
IN 1915 Pope Benedict XV wrote to Mehmed V, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, saying that he could hear “the echo of the groans of an entire people…subjected to unspeakable sufferings”. When the two leaders'modern-day counterparts met last November at the Turkish presidential palace outside Ankara, those echoes were still audible. According to a new book by Franca Giansoldati, the Vatican-watcher of Il Messaggero, an Italian daily, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's president, “begged” Pope Francis to refrain from openly characterising the Ottoman Empire's slaughter of Armenians in 1915 as genocide.
1915年教皇本笃十五世致函奥斯曼帝国苏丹—默罕默德五世,言及他能听到“整个民族遭受难以言状痛苦时所发出的呻吟在天际回响。” (一百年后的)今天,当年两大巨头各自的继任者去年11月在土耳其安卡拉外的总统官邸会见时,这种回响仍然久久不散。意大利报纸《信使报》梵蒂冈问题观察家Franca Giansoldati在一本新书中披露:土耳其总统雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安“恳祈”教皇弗兰西斯不要把1915年奥斯曼帝国屠杀亚美尼亚人的事件公开定性为种族灭绝。

The pope respected his host's wishes then. But on April 12th he abandoned tact and referred to the killings as “the first genocide of the 20th century”. The Turkish government responded with outrage and recalled its ambassador to the Holy See for consultations. A vote in the European Parliament on April 15th, commending the pope's statement and urging Turkey to recognise the massacres as genocide, further infuriated Mr Erdogan. “It is not possible for Turkey to accept such a crime, such a sin,” he said.
虽然一开始尊重了总统的诉求,但到了4月12日,教皇却撕破脸并将此次屠杀斥之为 “20世纪首屈一指的种族灭绝事件。”土耳其政府大吃一惊,召回了驻梵蒂冈教廷的使节进行磋商。4月15日欧洲议会投票表决支持教皇的声明,并敦促土耳其承认此次屠杀是种族灭绝行为,这更进一步激怒了埃尔多安总统。他说:“土耳其绝不承认这种罪行。”
Francis has used the same phrase before, most recently in 2013 when he met an Armenian delegation. But that was scarcely reported, and the Turkish authorities merely expressed “disappointment” and called in the Vatican's envoy for a ticking-off. This time, he was making a much-awaited speech in front of Armenia's president, Serzh Sargsyan, days before the official centenary commemorations on April 24th.
教皇方济各此前也用过相同的措辞,最近一次是在 2013 年接见亚美尼亚代表团时。但这些言论几乎鲜有报道,土耳其政府也仅仅是表示了“失望”,并召会梵蒂冈特使进申斥而已。然而这一次,就在4月24日的正式百年纪念活动开始的前几天,他当着亚美尼亚总统萨尔基相的面发表了这样一个“众望所归”言论。
Turkish diplomats are understood to have set themselves two aims as the centenary approached: to stop the mass at which Francis spoke being held on the day itself, and to prevent him from using the G-word. They gained their first objective. In deciding to deny them their second, the pope and his diplomatic advisers had to weigh opposing factors.
The Vatican has long been the venue of a tug-of-war between proponents of careful dialogue with the Islamic world and advocates of bluntness, who feel that tact has got Christians nowhere and that plain speaking is needed, even if it causes offence. The plain-speakers had the upper hand under the previous pope, Benedict XVI. Francis's latest comment suggests they are back in the ascendancy.
长期以来,梵蒂冈处在一个两难境地:一派主张和伊斯兰世界对话务求谨慎,而另一派则主张直言不讳。后者认为圆滑世故将使得基督徒一事无成,因此即使会招灾惹祸,也须仗义执言。如今,在教皇本笃十六世的领导下,主张直言不讳的人占了上风,方济各最近的言论正表明了这种压倒性优势。翻译:沈竹 校对:戴秀平


1.subject to 使服从,使遭受

例句:Already americans are subject to de-facto capital controls.

2.respond with 回应

例句:He recently demonstrated a voice-based system that he designed to ask patients about their symptoms and to respond with empathy.

3.prevent from 阻止,防止

例句:This is related to a secondary consideration: how many bugs did you prevent from reaching manual testing where bugs start to be expensive?

4.according to 根据,按照;据…所说

例句:Saudi arabia is considering two options,according to the official.
