日期:2015-12-11 23:16



I know L.A.'s got a awesome Olive Garden.
Yeah, it's nice. - Thank you.I think we were good luck you stopped.
对 挺不错的 -谢谢 我觉得我们真的很好运 你们停下了
And, um, because of that you won vocal duo of the year, right?
正因为这样 你们获得了年度最佳双人组合奖 是吧

We did. - Fantastic.Okay.You guys all good luck.Yeah, yeah. - Thank you for the good luck.
是的 -太棒了 好的 也祝你们幸运 对 对 -谢谢你们的好运
I mean, really, vocal duo of the year That's a that's a hot thing to win.
我是说真的 年度最佳双人组合 是很多人都想赢得的奖项
Like that's a year you know.Look at your The CMAs are the top.Yeah.
年度奖项类的 你懂的 看看你们 全美乡村音乐是最高奖项 -是的
It's a huge not for country music, it' not for team of FGL Yeah, well, congratulations.And congratulations to you , you are engaged.
不仅是对乡村音乐 对我们这个组合来说也非常重要 是啊 恭喜你们 还有 恭喜你订婚了
I'm engaged. - You are getting married, uh huh, that's great.Some people thought it would never happen, but it did.
我是订婚了 -你要结婚了 嗯哼 太好了 有些人觉得那不可能 但确实是这样
I'm a very lucky, lucky man. - Yeah,I assume you are in a helicopter
我是个非常幸运的男人 -是啊 我猜你们是在直升机上
and not just wearing something and answering phone calls?
That's my actually...That's actually my golf mike and I wear it on my weekend.
其实那是 其实那是我周末一般会戴着的高尔夫耳机
All the time? - Yeah.You taking orders for like plates and stuff like that?
一直带着吗 -是的 用它来点餐吗
Yeah. - Oh, yeah.That was a helicopter, that was as creative as I could get.Is that how you popped the question? - I did. Yeah.
对啊 -哦 不错 那是个直升机 我想不到更有创意的方式了 你就在那儿求婚了吗 -是啊 对
That's really great. - Flying around.Where were you flying over, where were you?
真的很棒 -在空中盘旋 你们在哪儿飞行的 在什么地方
We were actually flying over a, our house.What's gonna be our house in six months.That's exciting. - Yeah, it's um
实际上是在我们房子上空 六个月内那里就会是我们的家 那太棒了 -是啊 那是
I bought a house a year ago,and a little bit of property.And we just, you know.
一年前我买了一座房子 还有一些地 然后我们就 你懂的
She's kind of help make it a home.So it's kind of special, you know.
是她让那里变成了真正的家 所以还挺特别的
We flew around the property and I asked her,That's a good night.Oh, that's great.
我们在房子上空盘旋 然后我就向她求婚了 那晚很美好 噢 那很棒
Alright, the name of the CD is called "anything goes".Everyone in the audience here going home with a copy of it.
好的 这张专辑的名字叫做"万事皆空" 在场的每位观众离场时都能得到一张
Thank you to Florida Georgia Line, Jennifer Lopez,Charlie Day and Twitch.See you tomorrow.Be kind to one another. Bye.
感谢Florida Georgia Line 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 查理·戴 还有 特维奇 明天见 大家要友善相待 拜拜


One afternoon, I grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.
Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.
No, I'm not a student. I'm a doctor, actually.
'So it's not a family show then?' —'Well, actually, I think that's exactly what it is.'
'Do you think it's a good idea to socialize with one's patients?' — 'Actually, I do, I think it's a great idea.'
I would be surprised, actually, if he left Birmingham.
Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him.
Security forces searched thousands of homes, confiscating weapons and stolen property.
Cecil inherited a family property near Stamford.
This vehicle has been parked on private property.
A radio signal has both electrical and magnetic properties.

