日期:2016-05-22 21:18



I'm pretty much going with the nude thing,I might just going with it

我非常喜欢这样裸着 基本上随心所欲

I don't blame you,It feels so nice and breezy and I can't be nude in my house cause you know my step-daughters were there

我就不说你了 感觉很好很凉爽 在家我不能裸 因为我的继女们在家呢

so it's like can we please be nude at work and it's great,so you don't wanna be nude in front of you step-daughters

所以如果我们能在工作中裸裸 爽呆了 你不敢在继女面前裸

but children watch television you can be nude that's ok,they're fine. I see alright

但是敢在所有看电视的小朋友前裸 这样好吗 他们没事 我明白了

It's TV, Just trying to figure it out.so the problem with you getting on to the lot is what,It's an issue

电视嘛 只是想知道下 你进来片场有遇到问题 是吗 这是个问题

everything about this lot is amazing,like there's a coffee place a taco place,like we're neighbors now

整个片场的所有东西都很棒 像那边有个喝咖啡的地方 还有个玉米卷店 就像在小区里一样

but I'm having real problems getting on the lot,the security guy like smoking me down everyday

但是我进入片场真的好麻烦 那个保安每天都在盯着我

I pull off my picture's on the building,like at certain point when your picture is on the building

我停下车 我的广告牌就挂在大楼上 重点是 你的照片都挂在墙上了

they should just let you in right,I pull off to this guy everyday

他们应该让你进 对吧 每天我都被这个保安拦住车

and he like hey Ashton what's going on can I see your ID and I'm like you just said my name

然后他会说 嘿 Ashton 早啊 可以出示下证件吗 好像你才叫了我名字吧

you know me I think it's the beard.do you have problems

你认识我 我觉得是因为这个胡子 你有这个问题吗

No they open it before they even they just open the thing right up and I just drive on

没啊 他们老远看到我就直接开闸了 我就一直开就好

I really do do they really ask you for,I swear to God I can not

是这样啊 他们真的让你出示证件 我对天发誓

and not only do they ask for my ID on the way in,after they said Ashton what's up

而且不只是进片场的时候 而且还是对我打了招呼的情况下

on the way out they check the trunk of my car,like I'm stealing something

出片场的时候他们居然还检查我的后备箱 好像我偷了什么一样

what am I gonna steal from the show,like I got Jon Cryer in the trunk

我能从剧组偷什么呢 然道Jon Cryer被我赛到后备箱了吗

I'm not taking anything and it happens everyday It's really weird

我没拿走什么啊 而且每天都是这样 真的奇了怪

I don't know what's happened I think it's the beard

我不知道发生了什么事 我怪这胡子

I don't know you look so peaceful you look like Jesus with that beard

我也不明白 你看起来很平和 那个胡子让你看起来像耶稣




It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven't got a job.


It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall.



Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair.


She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace.



If you look at a world map (see Figure 1) you can identify the major wine-producing regions.


Figure 1.15 shows which provinces lost populations between 1910 and 1920.

表 1.15 显示出哪些省份在 1910 至 1920 年间人口减少了。

2、pull off


The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory.


It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.



I pulled off the road at a small village pub.


One evening, crossing a small creek, he pulled the car off the road.


