日期:2016-08-05 21:22



I will also share.you will keep that one,or you rather give that one and you keep these,sure.

我也可以给你 或者说你给我那一块 这两个你留着 好啊

Which of one you give I don't care.So,this is the gold,that's amazing.that's just amazing

你给我哪一个都没关系 这就是金牌了 太棒了 非常出色

Did it give you less stress.Give you that.Oh,thank you,thanks a lot

它会减少你的压力吗 给你 哦 谢谢 非常感谢

Did it give you less stress if you think there's no way for a gold,first of all,let me just remind everybody

如果你想你完全没机会赢得金牌 这种想法会减少你的压力吗 首先 我给大家看看

This is the widths,this right here is the width.what is that,how many inches.about four inches.

这就是宽度 就是这个宽度 这个有多宽 多少英寸 大约四英寸

This is wider,if you did in sideway,you have more room if they turn it

这边宽一点 如果侧面这边也可以 那么反过来 你就可以有更宽的空间了

Yeah,but it's that.yeah,it's that.But I am just saying if they turn,you have more room

是的 但必须要那样 也是 我就是说 如果可以转过来 那么你就会有更多的空间

Yeah,that would be easier.but it is,yeah.well they should turn it

恩 那也会更加简单 但是那样 那他们就应该转过来

well,and then when you started doing this,your feet were smaller when you start out

哦 当你开始练这个时 你的脚会比较小

So it doesn't seem scary cause you were an infant,so how old were you

因为当时你是个小孩 脚小这样站上去就不会那么让人害怕 所以 当时你多大

I was three,there is a picture of your walking when you like 10 months old that we found that is incredible,you are already walking

我三岁 这里有一张我们找到的你大概10个月时走路的相片 这太不可思议了 你都已经会走路了

Look at that.Like you are grown up.10 month old that's not normal

看 看起来你就像大人一样 10个月大 这也太不寻常了

Are there wires that we don't see there attached you,no.God,so you go out and there you don't feel well and you do it

你后面有没有挂着我们看不见的钢丝 没有 天啊 所以你出场的时候 你并不舒服 但是你完成了比赛

Did you know right away that was a gold medal performance I got it.Not at all

你当时知道是冠军赛吗 不知道


1、start out


Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman.


What started out as fun quickly became hard work.



We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.


The child'll start out by making relatively few distinctions in the language.




Inside the theatre, they were giving a performance of Bizet's Carmen.


her performance as the betrayed Medea.



That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons.


The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports.



He devoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.


The people believe that the performance of this ritual is the will of the Great Spirit.


