日期:2020-01-13 14:23



4. Make your priorities for the next year clear, and communicate them well. Is the company (or division) trying to launch a new product? Or to boost sales of existing products? Or to control costs? If you are not sure, then those who work for you will have no idea. That can lead to a lot of wasted effort.
4. 明确明年的工作重点,并做好沟通5iS3Y9kKe,zeg。公司(或部门)正在尝试推出新产品吗?或者促进现有产品的销售?还是为了控制成本?如果你不确定,那么为你工作的人也不会知道Zhyy(OWGV^e。这可能会导致大量的努力白费MrYXR#|q^Uy7lM5U
5. To that end, cut out the jargon. The use of pretentious phrases and complex acronyms is generally designed to obfuscate rather than elucidate. In Bartleby’s experience, the reason people use unclear language is that they have nothing clear to say. If you are sending a general memo to all the staff, look carefully through it and ask whether you would have understood it on your first day of work. If not, make it simpler. Remember George Orwell’s maxim: “Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.” It applies to other tongues, too.
5. 为此,不要使用行话l^HCk|r)S(KD3f7u-%。自命不凡的短语和复杂的缩写词的使用通常是为了混淆视听,而不是阐明X!sJC~QXtV。根据巴托比的经验,人们之所以使用含糊不清的语言,是因为他们没有清晰的语言可以表达b|kSzEP~tnO-!R。如果你要给所有的员工发一份备忘录,仔细看一遍,问问自己在第一天上班时是否理解了它(36T5#Axs_e。如果不是,让它更简单PHU4TQns7@;&ckB830i[。记住乔治·奥威尔的格言:“如果你能想到一个日常英语中的对等词,就永远不要使用外国短语、科学词汇或行话nJg71Nz_!yI。”这也适用于其他语言9M,Z[q&TnS^Ia




6. Listen to your staff. They are the people who are dealing with customers and suppliers, and grappling with the bureaucracy of the organisation. Their feedback is essential, beyond annual engagement surveys. You hired them for their skill and expertise: learn to rely on it. If you don’t trust their judgment, you have hired the wrong people. If you don’t like listening to employees, go and set up as a sole trader.
6. 倾听员工KkbBvy2MF2g-+;sCnB5m。他们是与客户和供应商打交道,并与组织的官僚作风作斗争的人-N4N]Wzz*s18。除了年度业务调查之外,他们的反馈也很重要CD_D6xElsyjU[Hc。你雇佣他们是因为他们的技能和专业知识:学会依赖它#u)wxDna_X;lX6ZfISSO。如果你不相信他们的判断,那你就选错人了d[yLa0CRmx。如果你不喜欢听员工的话,那就去做一个独家贸易吧Qm*5~aeT*c-LhU


