听歌学英语:Catch A Falling Star
日期:2014-03-12 09:00



CATCH A FALLING STAR is a song made famous by Perry Como. It was Como's last #1 hit on the Billboard "Most Played by Jockeys" chart. It was the first single that received a gold record certification in 1958.Perry Como won a 1958 Grammy Award for Best Male Vocal Performance for this song. CATCH A FALLING STAR has been featured in several films, including The Princess Diaries, Love Actually, Everybody's Fine and Never Been Kissed. It's also often featured in the TV series Lost.(really a big deal as you can see).Why so much impressive information? Well, only that way can we show you how much this song is worth listening to. Facts are always more convincing than us hosts saying "well, great song. We love it". But of course, you are the one who has the final say in this. Find out yourself now!CATCH A FALLING STAR由Perry Como一唱成名。它是当年公告牌流行榜之‘DJ最热单曲榜’第一名,也是Como(歌唱生涯中)的最后一个第一。此歌还是1958年第一个得到黄金唱片认证的单曲。Como也因此而获得1959年格莱美最佳男歌手大奖。CATCH A FALLING STAR在电影《公主日记》、《真爱至上》、《天伦之旅》和《一吻定江山》中被使用,还频繁出现在电视剧《迷失》中。说这么多只是为了证明这首歌多么值得大家去听。因为事实总比主持人的一句‘这首歌很好听哦,我很喜欢哦’要来得更有说服力一些。当然,好听与否,还是大家说了算!听完再说吧!

Catch a falling star an' put it in your pocket.
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an' put it in your pocket.
Save it for a rainy day!
For love may come an' tap you on the shoulder,
Some star-less night!
Just in case you feel you wanna' hold her,
You'll have a pocketful of starlight!

Catch a falling star an'put it in your pocket,
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an' put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day!
For love may come an' tap you on the shoulder,
Some star-less night!
Just in case you feel you wanna' hold her,
You'll have a pocketful of starlight!

Catch a falling star an'put it in your pocket,
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an' put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day!

For when your troubles startin' multiplyin',
An' they just might!
It's easy to forget them without tryin',
With just a pocketful of starlight!

Catch a falling star an'put it in your pocket,
Never let it fade away!
Catch a falling star an' put it in your pocket,
Save it for a rainy day!
Save it for a rainy day!
Save it for a rainy day!



A falling star or a shooting star crosses the sky very very quickly. So to "catch the falling star" means one must seize an opportunity as soon as it arises and not wait any longer because it will be too late. EVERYBODY'S FINE introduced me to this song. I just loved singing along to the chorus! It has a smooth and lovely tune. A wonderful oldie. Perry Como's voice is very soothing. Just don't fall asleep fall listening to him. Let's see what words we can learn together now. 流星划过天空是很快的。CATCH A FALLING STAR‘抓住流星’的言外之意也许是在说一个人应该在机会到来之时紧紧抓住它,而不是等到迟了才后悔莫及。是看了《天伦之旅》后才知道这首歌的。曲调轻柔,喜欢跟着唱。真的是一首很经典的老歌。Perry Como的声音是如此柔和舒缓,各位千万不要在听的时候睡着了哟。

1.falling star: a falling star or a shooting star is the common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the atmosphere to become a meteor. 流星;陨石
eg:Like a flash of lightning, the meteor shot across the sky. 流星像一道光划过天空。

2.rainy day
a rainy day can refer to a (future) time of financial need or just a need in the future.困难之时;经济困难之时
to do sth for a rainy day:to plan ahead against some difficult situation.未雨绸缪
eg:This "rainy day" money will be an extra potential future burden on the taxpayer. 这种‘未雨绸缪’的资金将会成为纳税人的潜在负担。
Here in the the line"Save it for a rainy day!" ,rainy day simply refers to the day that rains.歌词里的rainy day指单纯的雨天。
Bonus:a rain check refers to a promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future;or a second chance扩展:rain check,改日;延期招待;第二次机会

adj. meaning not being starry or having no stars or starlike objects无星光的
eg:The accident happened on a pitch - dark night, moonless and starless.事故发生在一个漆黑的, 没有月亮,也没有星星的夜晚.
less, as a suffix, is often used with a noun,meaning no.less常作名词词尾,意为‘没有’
eg:faceless means no face;没脸的
childless means no child;无子的
shameless means no shame;不知廉耻的

to multiply means to increase greatly in number or amount;or to become much more numerous增加;繁殖
eg:Complaints about the new procedure soon multiplied.对新程序的抱怨很快增加了。
Her responsibilities multiplied when she was promoted.她升职后,责任也更大了。

If you can catch a falling star,you'll have all the luck and your dreams will all come true.This is Linda and bye for now!如果能抓住一颗流星,大家就能好运连连梦想成真了呀。好了,我是Linda。下期见咯。

This song reminds us that:
Life isn't a bed of roses.人生之事,十之八九不如意。
Troubles never come singly.福无双至祸不单行。
Seize the day! Carpe Diem!及时行乐,今朝有酒今朝醉。
In fair weather prepare for foul.要懂得未雨绸缪。

If you can catch a falling star,you'll have all the luck and your dreams will all come true.This is Linda and bye for now!


  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • impressiveadj. 给人深刻印象的
  • pitchn. 沥青,树脂,松脂 n. 程度,投掷,球场,音高 v
  • visibleadj. 可见的,看得见的 n. 可见物
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • convincingadj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.
  • proceduren. 程序,手续,步骤; 常规的做法
  • soothingadj. 使人宽心的;抚慰的 v. 安慰;减轻痛苦(so
  • vocaladj. 声音的,口述的,歌唱的 n. 元音,声乐作品
  • potentialadj. 可能的,潜在的 n. 潜力,潜能 n. 电位,