听歌学英语:前进路上 As I Moved On
日期:2015-04-18 07:59



音乐相伴,学习无极限。hello,各位好,欢迎收听可可网《听歌学英语》栏目。我是琳达。丹麦的Blue Foundation(蓝色基地乐队)总是能给人带来惊喜。乐队成员既来自丹麦也来自英国和日本,而这也就造就了他们音乐风格的多元化。他们的作品总是充满灵性带着飘渺迷幻色彩,时而神秘莫测 时而又给人一种甜蜜浪漫的感觉。今天的这首As I Moved On,Kirstine明澈如水的嗓音,带着些许玩世不恭的疏离以及颓废,不知是否能抓住你的心:

Come and dance 一起跳舞吧
Come and dance,come 一起跳舞吧,来吧
Come and dance一起跳舞吧
Come and dance,come一起跳舞吧,来吧

I was all alone独自一人
Going for a ride 兜风
Travelling solo 旅行
Off my guard 不带防备
I had to follow 跟随着
This calling from the wild 原野的呼唤
Into the shadows 进入心里的
Into the shadows
of my heart 那片阴影
I needed all my strength to 需用尽全身力气
stand up to your agenda 适应你的计划
I said it我说过
I said it again 我不止一次说过

I never wanna become 我不想
stuck in your machine 成为你的附庸
I said it 我说过
I said it again 我不止一次说过
Come and dance一起跳舞吧
Come and dance,come一起跳舞吧,来吧
Come and dance一起跳舞吧
Come and dance,come一起跳舞吧,来吧

And as I moved on 当我前行继续自己的生活
Thought I'd blow my mind 以为会给自己惊喜
But as it turned out,但结果是
I was wrong 我错了
I met my sorrow悲伤现身
Saw her in the eyes 注视着我
She tried my courage 悲伤中的勇敢
She tried my courage but 使我
Left me stronger 变得更坚强
I never wanna become 我不想
Stuck in your machine 成为你的附庸
I said it 我说过
I said it again 我不止一次说过
Come and dance一起跳舞吧
Come and dance,come一起跳舞吧,来吧

主持人Linda WeChat account:1493659189


欢迎回来。一首歌是否讨喜,前10秒的前奏就能告诉你。不能不说,As I Moved On《前进路上》又是一首让我一听钟情的歌曲。沉郁缓拍作为铺垫,电子合成器与偶尔失真的吉他效果,在迷幻人声之中融合渐进,让这首作品独具魅力。As I Moved On, 前行的路上,在孤独悲伤中独舞,这何尝不是一种潇洒。好了,一起来看看今天的词汇扩展:
Going for a ride, travelling solo
ride: v.骑, 乘 n. 乘车, 搭便车,旅行, 兜风
Do you need a ride home?要搭车回家吗?
Do you need a ride? We can carpool .你坐车吗?我们可以拼车啊。
to go for a ride:去兜风
Let's round up our friends and go for a ride.叫上我们所有的朋友一起去兜风吧。
take sb. for a ride 欺骗某人
I'm afraid we've been taken for a ride.恐怕我们受骗了。
ride out 安然渡过
We were confident that we would be able to ride out the storm.我们有信心安然渡过这次的难关。

n/v.独奏;独唱;独舞;单飞 adv/adj.单独;独自的;单独的;独唱的;独奏的
How did your solo performance go?你的独奏表演得如何?
In the concert, there are three piano solos. 在音乐会上, 有三首钢琴独奏曲。
go solo:单干
You had the right to leave and go solo.你有权离开单飞。
When you're used to going with another person it can be difficult to motivate yourself to go solo.如果已经习惯有人陪着去,你可能会没有足够的动力单独前往。

Off my guard 我卸下防备
guard: n/v.保护;警卫;戒备、保卫
be on one's guard警惕;提防
Be on guard when somebody flatters you.有人奉承你时,一定要当心。
To catch somebody off his/her guard乘人不备,使某人措手不及
He completely caught me off my guard.他在我猝不及防的时候出现了。
I was caught off guard by his move.他这一招真是让人猝不及防。
I don't know if it catches my opponents off guard but I hope it does.我不知道它是否会让我的对手措手不及,但我希望如此。

This calling from the wild
calling n 职业;使命感;召唤;责任感
You must have a passion, a calling, a purpose.你必须充满激情,富有使命感,并且目标明确。
These men saw business as a noble calling.这些人视商业为崇高的事业。

I needed all my strength to stand up to your agenda
to stand up to: 经受, 经得住, 抵抗,勇敢面对
The British soldier can stand up to anything except the British War Office.英国士兵什么都不怕,就怕陆军部。
It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.她挺身反抗那些恃强欺弱的人,真勇敢。

Thought I'd blow my mind
blow: n.v.打击, 殴打, 吹
to blow one's mind: 让人疯狂;给人印象极深;让人大开眼界
mind-blowing: adj, 给力的;给人印象极深的;非常令人吃惊的
I've heard that story and it 's really mind-blowing .我听过那个故事,真的很震撼人心啊。

Blue Foundation,蓝色基地的作品在《暮光之城》、《吸血鬼日记》以及《迈阿密风云》里都有出现过。他们的其它作品包括Eyes On Fire,End of The Day,Save The Town都值得一听。好了,今天的节目就这么多啦,我是琳达,周末愉快!下期见!

主持人Linda WeChat Account:1493659189

