听歌学英语:停不下来 Quit
日期:2020-08-19 01:38



Quit - Sophia Scott

I don't like how she's talkin when she's talkin to you我不喜欢她跟你说话的方式
One more tug on your T-shirt and I'm coming unglued她要再扯一下你的T恤,我会马上暴走
Got me clenching my fists now and the room starts to shake双拳紧握,感觉房间都在颤抖
Are my thoughts getting too loud? Am I going insane?脑子里的各种想法快决堤了吗?我快要疯了吗?
But I know it's all just in my head但我知道,一切都只是我疑神疑鬼
You always come back to my bed你最终都会回到我的身边
I got no self-control I will admit 我承认,自控力很弱
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
When I see em' look at you, I lose my shit一看见她们对你秋波暗送,我就抓狂
Call me jealous,call me crazy 叫我醋坛子,叫我疯子
I won't sit down when other girls come around 但是,只要有其她女生靠近,我绝对不会视而不见
I'm a bitch 我是个泼妇
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
I know that it's selfish I want you all to myself 我知道,想独自拥有你是很自私的
If the looks turn to touching then I'm giving em' hell 加入她们由秋波暗送演变为动手动脚,我会让她们好看
Now she's calling you over and my heart starts to sink 现在她电话来让你过去,我的心开始下沉
I didn't used to be like this 我以前不是这样的
Why'd you do this to me 为什么你会让我变这样
But I know it's all just in my head 但是我知道这一切都只是我的一些疯狂的想法而已
You always come back to my bed 你总是会回到我身边来
I got no self-control I will admit 我承认,自控力很弱
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
When I see em' look at you, I lose my shit一看见她们对你秋波暗送,我就抓狂
Call me jealous,call me crazy 叫我醋坛子,叫我疯子
I won't sit down when other girls come around 但是,只要有其她女生靠近,我绝对不会视而不见
I'm a bitch 我是个泼妇
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
No I can't quit no I can't quit 我停不下来停不下来
No I can't quit 停不下来
And I know and I know and I know I just can't quit 我知道我停不下来
And I know and I know and I know I lose my grip 我知道我会暴走发狂
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
When I see em' look at you, I lose my shit一看见她们对你秋波暗送,我就抓狂
Call me jealous,call me crazy 叫我醋坛子,叫我疯子
I won't sit down when other girls come around 但是,只要有其她女生靠近,我绝对不会视而不见
I'm a bitch 我是个泼妇
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
No I can't quit 停不下来
And I know and I know and I know I just can't quit 我知道我停不下来
And I know and I know and I know I lose my grip 我知道我会暴走发狂
But I just can't quit 但是我停不下来
strew [struː] vt. 散播;撒满
Crises will strew his path to test his mettle 一路上会充满考验他勇气的危机 。(mettle [ˈmetl] n. 勇气;气质;耐力The next game will be a real test of their mettle. 下一场比赛就要看他们的拼搏精神了。)
Clothes were strewn across the floor.衣服被扔得满地都是。(原型 strew,过去式strewed;过去分词strewn)
The way ahead is strewn with difficulties. 前面的道路布满艰难险阻。
Leaves strewed the path. 小径上满是落叶。
Bodies were strewn all round the building.大楼四周遍布着死尸。

leeway [ˈliːweɪ] n.自由活动的空间;回旋余地;落后差距;失去的时间
There is no leeway or discretion in that.在那件事上没有回旋余地或灵活性。(discretion 名词,灵活性;酌情决定权;谨慎 )
How much leeway should parents give their children?父母应该给孩子留多少自由的空间?
make up the leeway
He just could not make up the leeway from the earlier stages in which Ryan scored well. 瑞安在前几轮得分很高,他现在再想赶也赶不上了。

brazen [ˈbreɪzn]adj.厚颜无耻的;无所顾忌的;肆无忌惮的
She has become brazen about the whole affair.她对整件事已经不感到羞耻了。
They're quite brazen about their bisexuality, it doesn't worry them.他们在自己的双性恋问题上无所顾忌,毫不为意。
brazen it out厚着脸皮做;硬着头皮撑下去
If you are caught, simply argue that 'everyone does it and brazen it out 要是被逮住了,你就说“大家都这样干”,然后硬着头皮撑下去。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
