听歌学英语:爱如潮水 Waves
日期:2020-08-20 09:24



Waves - Tristan Prettyman

I can be a handful 我是麻烦
I can be a nightmare我是梦魇
I can get a little crazy我有点疯狂
A little high maintenance有点挑剔
Hanging with the cool kids 我与最酷的人混
Naw it ain't gonna be easy不,不会那么容易
But I could be your best friend但我会是你最好的朋友
Loyal till the day ends对你忠诚到地老天荒
Like you never knew you deserved it正如你从不知道,这都是你应得的
Yeah you know its all worth it 你让一切都值得
Yeah you make it all worth it是,你让一切都值得
It comes in waves 潮水般涌来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
Sometimes I wanna peace out有时我想清净
Press pause rewind但又会按暂停倒带
Take a drive, turn it all down开车兜风,忘掉一切
Other times I just sit back get mad其它时候,我仅仅是坐着生闷气
Throw words like knives话锋犀利
Not caring where they might land从不管后果如何
Even on the worst day甚至在最糟糕日子里
Know that you still got me你要知道,你还有我
Know that what we got I wouldn’t hurt it 要知道,我不会伤害我们之间的一切
Year You know its all worth it 一切都值得
Yeah you make it all worth it是你让一切都值得
It comes in waves 潮水般涌来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves潮水般涌来
Your patience你的耐心
My promise我的承诺
This love will be honest这份爱将会是坦诚的
Forever and always地久天长的
This love we will keep safe这份爱我们将呵护备至
Your patience你的耐心
My promise我的承诺
This love will be honest这份爱将忠贞无比
Forever and always地久天长
This love we will keep safe这份爱我们将呵护备至
It comes in waves 潮水般涌来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves潮水般涌来
It comes in waves海浪般袭来
It comes in waves潮水般涌来
pounce [paʊns] v. ~ (on/upon sb/sth) 猛扑;突袭
The lion crouched, ready to pounce.狮子蹲下身子,准备猛扑。(crouch [kraʊtʃ] v. 蹲伏;俯身接近 n. 蹲着的姿势)
The muggers pounced on her as she got out of the car. 她一下汽车,劫匪便向她扑上去。
pounce on/upon sth 抓紧机会(以便批评)
His comments were pounced upon by the press.他的评论被新闻界揪住不放。
The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes 民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的过失或错误。
I was aggressively ready to pounce on anyone who looked as if they were criticizing me. 凡是有谁露出想要批评我的样子,我都会毫不犹豫地扑上去跟他拼命。
If you are caught, simply argue that 'everyone does it and brazen it out 要是被逮住了,你就说“大家都这样干”,然后硬着头皮撑下去。

seemly [ˈsiːmli] adj. 适当的;得体的;
Self-assertion was not thought seemly in a woman. 人们认为女性太有主见是不得体的。(assertion [əˈsɜːrʃn] n. 断言;声明;主张;要求;坚持;认定 self-assertion n. 主见;自信;自作主张;一意孤行)
We will call at a more seemly time . 我们会在更适合的时候来拜访的。

unseemly [ʌnˈsiːmli] adj. 不适宜的;不得体的
It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts. 在其他人都得勒紧裤腰带过活的时候给法官们加薪是不合适的。

foist [fɔɪst] v. foist on/upon 强迫接受;把…强加于;混入;蒙骗;硬卖给;采用欺骗手段出售
The title for her novel was foisted on her by the publishers. 她的小说书名是出版商强加给她的。
You can't foist your ideas on me. 你不能把你的观点强加于我。
A man who murdered his wife tried to foist the responsibility for his crime onto a neighbour. 一名谋杀了自己妻子的男人子试图将自己的罪行强加于一邻居身上。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
