听歌学英语:纸飞机 Sketch Plane
日期:2020-09-04 01:49



Good Day - Lucky Stroke

Sketch Plane - Cam Kelley
Sittin' here, breathing deeply, fucking ready to go坐在这儿, 深呼吸,我TM准备好了
Been standing here blankly for an hour,can't say goodbye or hello站在这儿,面无表情 一个小时,没有再见也没有你好
It's like solitary confinement just need someone to hold就像独居监禁,需要一个人相拥
I'm not as brave as I'm portrayed I need to be told to be bold我不像描述得那般勇敢,我也需要鼓励
Comin' in hot. I'm alone, no support带着热血而来,我独自一人,无依无靠
Packed my bags said hello to the airport收拾好行李,对机场说你好
I hope they board up my room and keep it empty我希望他们用木板封好我的房间,让它空着
Because fillin' my space ain't that damn easy因为要填补我的空虚不容易
My frontier awaits. I'm a soldier trecking solo前线在等待,我是踽踽独行的战士
Leaving all the past shit down below 将所有过去抛在脑后
Movin' out. I've grown from a seed to a tree破土而出,我从种子长成参天大树
Gonna miss my friends and my family我会想念我的家人和朋友
Taking off in the rain on a sketch plane雨中登上飞机
Don't know where I'm going but I feel the pain不知道去向何方,但我感受到了痛苦
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane 痛苦中登上飞机
I've got nothing left to say已经无话可说
Taking off in the rain on a sketch plane 雨中登上飞机
Don't know where I'm going but I feel the pain 不知道去向何方,但我感受到了痛苦
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane 雨中登上纸飞机
I've got nothing left to say 已经没有言语
Grabbing ahold of my memories, tucking away them away in my pocket 抓住回忆,放到口袋
I'll be the holder of the key to heart-shaped locket 我会成为解锁心房的钥匙
Now I know the pain remains but you gotta know I'm gonna return此刻我知道痛苦仍在,但你知道我终将回归
I'm like a dog run away from my home,but there's a trail 我像离家出走的流浪狗,但有一条被烧毁的踪迹
That's been burned for me to follow在让我跟随
Back to you to your arms to your heart to your soul来回到你的身边,你的臂弯,你的心,你的魂
I'll be bleeding from the inside out through your empty hole我里里外外鲜血流淌,渗入你空洞的心灵
I'm scared as hell to go out on my own 从此要独自一人闯荡,我是如此恐惧
You can wait by the door by the window until the day I come home你可以在靠窗靠门口等我,直到我归家的那天
Taking off in the rain on a sketch plane雨中登上纸飞机
Don't know where I'm going but I feel the pain 不知道去向何方,但我感受到了痛苦
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane 痛苦中登上纸飞机
I've got nothing left to say 我无话可说
Taking off in the rain on a sketch plane 从雨中的机场起飞
Don't know where I'm going but I feel the pain 不知道去向何方,但我感受到了痛苦
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane痛苦中登上飞机
I've got nothing left to say我无话可说
I've got my ticket to click it 我已经拿到了通行证
Stick it out to the end 坚持到底
Start the engine leave my vengeance outside on the landing pad 启动引擎,把仇恨留在停机坪
I've got my ticket to click it 我已经拿到了通行证
Stick it out to the end 坚持到底
Start the engine leave my vengeance got a new life to begin 启动引擎,留下仇恨,开启新的人生
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane痛苦中登上飞机
Don't know where I'm going but I feel the pain不知道去向何方,但我感受到了痛苦
Taking off from the pain in a sketch plane 从痛苦中起飞
I've got nothing left to say 我已无话可说
No matter how far I go I will never leave you无论我走多远,永不离你而去
I've got to show that我会证明
I can flow like a pro in a different state and home我可以像专业人士那样,在不同国家和家庭生长
Keep your feet on your track把握好你的方向
I'll keep my mind in line with the time我会握住时间
And we'll be happy living together and free in the blink of an eye眨眼之间,我们会幸福自由地生活在一起
I'm as content as I've ever been我会满足,一如既往
Not trippin' or slippin'不会摔跤也不会被绊倒
I've been livin' life to the fullest, it's love I've been grippin'我曾有过最充实的生活,我一直将爱紧握手中
It's so strong I could leave for years and come back它如此强烈, 此去经年,是该回来了
And nothing will have changed except I'll be on your track 无所改变,只是这次我会存在于你的生命里
unassuming [ˌʌnəˈsuːmɪŋ]adj.不爱出风头的;不爱炫耀的;谦逊的
He's a man of few words, very polite and unassuming... 他话不多,很有礼貌,为人谦和。
She has a gentle, unassuming manner. 她很和善,不摆架子。
He was a small and by all appearances an unassuming man. 他个子小,看上去不事张扬。
He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be. 他腼腆而无架子,一点也不像你预料中演员的样子。

antithetical[ˌæntɪˈθetɪkl] adj.相反的;对立的;不相容的
Their priorities are antithetical to those of environmentalists.他们心中的当务之急和环保人士的想法背道而驰。
This attitude is antithetical to my beliefs. 这种态度与我的信仰是水火不相容的。

bristle[ˈbrɪsl] n. 短而硬的毛发;刚毛
the bristles on his chin 他下巴上的胡楂子
v. 大为恼怒; 被激怒;毛发直立
His lies made her bristle with rage. 他的谎话使她火冒三丈。
bristle with sth 装满;充斥着
The whole subject bristles with problems. 整个事情问题成堆。
The country bristles with armed groups...这个国家到处都是武装团伙。

glitzy [ˈɡlɪtsi] adj. 盛大的; 浮华的
That area has ritzy restaurants and glitzy nightlife. 那个区域有高档餐厅和奢华的夜生活。([ˈrɪtsi] adj. 豪华的;最高级的;傲慢的)

make good on 兑现;
They failed to make good on their promises.他们没有兑现承诺。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
