听歌学英语:一个呼吸的距离 Only One Breath Away
日期:2020-09-12 03:18



Only One Breath Away——Lemon Ice

Late at night I hear a phone call in my sleep 深夜梦中电话响起
And I hear the words that once touched me so deep 听到曾经让我深受感动的话语
Though we're far apart' you whisper - I miss you ‘尽管我们相隔万里’,你轻声说,‘我想你’
Baby' it's true' I still love you 宝贝,真的,我仍爱着你
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
I listen to your voice'听着你的声音
It seems you're just one breath away 感觉我们就一个呼吸的距离
Hopelessly near那是一种让人绝望地近
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
But this time I won't let your words hurt me 但是,这一次我不会让你的话伤害我
Unless you'll say you soon be back here 除非你说你很快就会回来
You say better times are coming - wait and see 你说好日子就要来了——等着吧
You were always good at selling dreams to me 你总是很擅长把梦想卖给我/我总会很轻易相信你描绘的美好
But I know your words could make me lose control 但我知道你的话会让我没有理智
You're still close' close to my soul 你仍然离我的灵魂很近
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
I listen to your voice'听着你的声音
It seems you're just one breath away 感觉我们就一个呼吸的距离
Hopelessly near让人绝望地近
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
But this time I won't let your words hurt me 但是,这一次我不会让你的话伤害我
Unless you'll say you soon be back here 除非你说你很快就会回来
Everything you say brings tears right to my eyes 你说的每句话都让我热泪盈眶
Promises and hopes' and dreams' and little lies 承诺、希望、梦想和各种谎言
But you always say so much but never when 你说好很多话,但从来不提你几时
you'll come back' come back again 会再回来
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
I listen to your voice'听着你的声音
It seems you're just one breath away 感觉我们就一个呼吸的距离
Hopelessly near让人绝望地近
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
But this time I won't let your words hurt me 但是,这一次我不会让你的话伤害我
Unless you'll say you soon be back here 除非你说你很快就会回来
Only one breath away 一个呼吸的距离
I listen to your voice'听着你的声音
It seems you're just one breath away 似乎在不远的地方
Hopelessly near让人绝望地近
adulation[ˌædʒəˈleɪʃn] n.称赞;吹捧;奉承
The adulation and applause from the crowd made the former president smile.观众的赞扬和掌声使这位前总统笑了。
Your strong desire for public adulation can become the single driving force in your life.你对公众称赞的强烈渴望可以成为你生活中的一股驱动力。
The book was received with adulation by critics. 这本书受到了评论人士的吹捧。
She expressed disdain at the adulation the industry gives to beauty over talent. 她对这个行业吹捧美貌胜过天赋的做法表示不屑。

perception[pərˈsepʃn] n. 认识能力;知觉;感觉;洞察力;看法;见解
our perception of reality 我们对现实的认识
visual perception 视觉
How do our perceptions of death affect the way we live. 我们对死亡的看法如何影响我们的生活方式?
It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.并不需要多少洞察力也能意识到面试已经结束了。
to change public perception of the police改变警察的公众形象
There is a general public perception that standards in schools are falling.公众普遍认为,学校的水平都在下降。

misperception [,mɪspə'sepʃən] n.错误的认知
The idea that women did not work in the 1950s is a misperception since at least one out of three held down a job. 20世纪50年代,认为女性不工作的观点是一种误解,因为至少有三分之一的女性有工作。(hold down 保有)

gird [ɡɜːrd]v. 束;捆上;缠上;装备;为…作好准备
The climber girded himself with a rope.攀登者在腰间绑了绳子。
Hollywood is girding itself for recession.好莱坞正在为衰退/萧条期做准备。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
