日期:2020-10-17 16:04



Sad ——Nina Girado

No regrets.不后悔
No illusions.不幻想
Sometimes love doesn’t last.爱情有时候本来就不会长久
Say goodbye,不要
To the tears and confusion.再哭泣,请清醒
We can’t keep living in the past.一个人不能总沉溺在过去

I’m just sad when I think how close we came.想到曾经那么亲密 我不由得难过
I’m getting lost in yesterday. 在昨日里迷路出不来
I’m sad when I think how good it could be. 想到有可能的幸福 我不由得悲伤
If only you were right for me. 要是你是对的人该多好
I’m Sad. I’m Sad.悲伤 悲伤

Down the road, in the future.在将来的某个时候
Maybe we will look back and smile.我们也许会笑着回忆
We’ll forget days that were bluer.会忘记忧郁的日子
And hang on to happier times.珍惜美好的时光

I’m just sad when I think how close we came.想到曾经那么亲密 我不由得难过
I’m getting lost in yesterday. 在昨日里迷路出不来
I’m sad when I think how good it could be. 想到有可能的幸福 我不由得悲伤
If only you were right for me. 要是你是对的人该多好
I’m Sad. I’m Sad.悲伤 悲伤

I’m sad to remember.忘不掉 所以难过
Holding you closer.将你抱得更紧
Just miss forever.只是不可能到永远

I’m just sad when I think how close we came.想到曾经那么亲密 我不由得难过
I’m getting lost in yesterday. 在昨日里迷路出不来
I’m sad when I think how good it could be. 想到有可能的幸福 我不由得悲伤
If only you were right for me. 要是你是对的人该多好
I’m sad. I’m sad.悲伤 悲伤

purposeful[ˈpɜːrpəsfl] adj.有意义的;有目的的;坚毅的;果断的
She looked purposeful and determined.她看来胸有成竹、意志坚定。
She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit. 她一副无事不登三宝殿的神情,很明显,这可不是一次随意/偶然的造访。
We all want to feel as if our lives have been significant and purposeful.我们都希望生活是有意义有使命的。

snap [snæp] v.断裂;绷断
Suddenly, the rope snapped.突然,绳子啪地绷断了。
The lid snapped shut.盖子啪地合上了。
His eyes snapped open.他两眼唰地睁开了。
She snapped the bag shut. 她啪的一声把包合上了。
v.突然发怒; (物) 突然爆发;突然精神崩溃;突然失控
My patience finally snapped. 我终于忍不住了。
When he said that, something snapped inside her.听他说到这里,她心里有什么东西崩掉了。
Sorry I snapped yesterday.昨天情绪失控,对不起。
I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.我不费吹灰之力就可以得到我看中的任何东西。

It was a snap decision .那是个仓促的决定。
They held a snap election .他们临时举行了选举。
I think this is too important for a snap decision...我认为,这件事非常重要,不能仓促作决定。

snap out of it/sth=snap sb out of it/sth 抛掉不愉快情绪;摆脱郁闷心境
You've been depressed for weeks. It's time you snapped out of it. 你情绪低落好几周了。现在该振作起来了。

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