听歌学英语:怪胎 Creep
日期:2020-10-20 17:15



Creep - Gamper & Dadoni / Ember Island

When you were here before.你在的时候
Couldn't look you in the eye无法直视你的双眼
You're just like an angel 你就像个天使
Your skin makes me cry 你的肌肤让我哭泣
You float like a feather 你像羽毛般轻盈漂浮
In a beautiful world在这个美丽的世界
I wish I was special多希望我与众不同
You're so very special因为你是如此地不同寻常
But I'm a creep.I'm a weirdo我不过是个怪胎
What the hell am I doing here 我在这里干什么
I don't belong here 我与这里格格不入
I don't belong here 那么格格不入
I don't care if it hurts 痛算什么
I went out of control 无法自己
I want a perfect body 我要一副完美的躯体
I want a perfect soul 我要一个完美的灵魂
I want you to know that 我要你知道
When I'm not around 当我不在的时候

I wish I was special多希望我与众不同
You're so very special因为你是如此地不同寻常
But I'm a creep.I'm a weirdo我不过是个怪胎
What the hell am I doing here 我在这里干什么
I don't belong here 我与这里格格不入
I don't belong here 那么格格不入
I don't belong here 格格不入

But I'm a creep.I'm a weirdo我不过是个怪胎
What the hell am I doing here 我在这里干什么
I don't belong here 我根本就不该在这里
1.a boxy brick building
boxy: [ˈbɒksi] having a square shape adj.箱状的;四四方方的
The trouble with many small houses is that they tend to be boxy. 许多小房子的问题是他们都趋于盒状化。
a boxy brick building 一栋四四方方的砖瓦房

2. a nondescript street
nondescript [ˈnɑːndɪskrɪpt] [nɑːndɪˈskrɪpt] adj.毫无特色的;毫无兴趣的;毫无吸引力的
a nondescript woman of uncertain age .一个年龄不详相貌平常的妇女
That building is nondescript.那栋房子毫无特色。
The meteorological bureau is in a nondescript building on the outskirts of town. 气象局座落在城郊一所不起眼的楼房内。
meteorological [ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkl] adj. 气象的;气象学的
bureau [ˈbjʊərəʊ] n.局;办事处
outskirt ['aʊt,skɝt] n. 郊区;市郊
a nondescript street一条不起眼的街道

3.to his credit...
credit [ˈkredɪt] n. 赞扬;信用;信誉;声望
To his credit, he has donated consistently without requesting anything in return 值得赞扬的是,他一直在捐款,没有要求任何回报
She managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience.她努力使自己振作起来,并且值得称赞的是,她一如既往地积极面对人生。
(look upon 看待;把…看作)

4.sun-splashed splash [splæʃ] n.落水声;溅泼声
We heard the splash when she fell into the pool.她掉进游泳池时我们听见扑通的/落水的声音。
My clothes were splashed with mud.我衣服上溅满了泥。
splash out (on sth)
splash sth↔out (on/for sth)

We're going to splash out and buy a new car.我们打算挥霍一下,买辆新车。
He splashed out hundreds of pounds on designer clothes.他花了几百英镑买名牌服装。
sun-splashed 充满阳光的;
She can stay in her sun- splashed apartment, killing her time among her books, her plants, her expensive furniture. 她可以呆在洒满阳光的公寓内,在那些书籍、花草和豪华的家具中消磨时光。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
