听歌学英语:(调调俗气歌名暖心) 最幸福的人
日期:2020-11-03 12:15



Happiest Man On Earth - Yako

I'll make it quick for you to know 我长话短说
Splashing my feelings is not what I'm the best at 我不擅长表达情感
I've never told you many things that I should 本该告诉你的事情 我从来没说过
The words are on my lips 话就在嘴边
It's time to tell you the truth 是时候告诉你真相了
I'll make it quick for you to know 我会长话短说
Splashing my feelings is not what I'm the best at 我不擅长表达情感
I've never told you many things that I should 本该告诉你的事情 我从来没说过
The words are on my lips 话就在嘴边
It's time to tell you the truth 是时候告诉你真相了
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人

I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
Will you let me empty你会让我
The pain in your eyes 带走你眼中的痛苦吗
The chains in your heart 以及你心中的枷锁
Gonna break it with my arms 我要用双手将其打破
Whenever you feel sad 在你难过的时候
In times of dark days 在黑暗的日子里
Going through a bad patch 在你面临困境的时候
Please come take my hand 请抓住我的手
I care too much about you 你对我如此重要
To let you get drowned 我不能让你看着你溺亡
I'll always stay around whenever you hit the ground无论何时摔倒 我会始终守护在你身旁
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人

I belong to the roads now 我已经踏上
Coming home to my old town 回家的路途
This pretty smile on this pretty face 看着这美丽脸庞上的美丽笑容
I think I am the happiest man on earth 我觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人
sit: [s.ɪt] v.坐落在;位于
Our new house sat next to a stream...我们的新房子坐落在一条小溪旁。
I've asked Mum to sit for us next Saturday. 我已经拜托妈妈下周六为我们临时照看一下孩子。
to sit an examination参加考试
June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams.6 月和 7 月是传统的考试月份。
Parliament sits for only 28 weeks out of 52...在一年 52 周当中只有 28 周是议会开会的时间。
The court would sit all night. 法庭将要通宵庭审。
He was asked to sit on numerous committees. 他应邀担任许多委员会的委员。([kəˈmɪti] n. 委员会)
短语: sit well/right with somebody 被...接受
The answer didn't sit well with the Board of Directors. 董事会对这个答案并不满意。

sitter [ˈsɪtər] n. 代人临时看管小孩的人(baby sitter);当模特儿的人;坐着的人
It's important for the sitter to be someone the children know and like. 临时保姆是孩子们认识和喜欢的人,这一点很重要。

a two-seater sports car.一辆双座跑车
The plane is an eight-seater with twin propellers. 这是一架有八个座位的双螺旋桨飞机。

frivolous [ˈfrɪvələs] adj.愚蠢的;可笑的
frivolous comments/suggestions 愚蠢的话;可笑的建议
Sorry, I was being frivolous.对不起,我失态了。

Isabelle is a frivolous little fool, vain and flighty. 伊莎贝尔是个轻佻、没头脑的小女人,非常虚荣又反复无常。(Isabelle;vain[veɪn] adj. 自负的;flighty[ˈflaɪti] adj. 反复无常)
He is too frivolous to do solid work. 他太浮,办事不牢靠。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
