听歌学英语:(爱你不)可悲 Pathetic
日期:2020-11-08 17:14



Pathetic - Ninajirachi / NaaH

Keep my tears in my heart 心里装着泪
Not enough to make a river 不够哭成河
But enough to weigh me down 足以压垮我
I see that there is a spark 能看到火花
Do I make this complicated 要事情复杂吗?
Can't stop to analyze 无法停止分析
But I need more 但是我需要更多
Moving slow 行动太慢
But love must grow 但爱情必须滋生
Love must grow 爱情必须滋生
'Cause loving you more 因为爱你更猛烈
Moving slow 行动太慢
But love must grow 爱情必须茁壮成长
You didn't have to lead me on 不需要你来带领我
Love must grow 爱情需要茁壮成长
Why did you wait until I wanted something more 为什么你要等到我想要更多的时候
I thought we had it all 以为我们一切安好
Before you turn your back and jumped into his car 直到你转身上了他的车
Does that make me pathetic 那场景是否让我很可悲
I don't know 不知道
It's hard to tell 很难讲
But something tells me 但某种东西在告诉我
I won't regret it tomorrow 明天也不会后悔
'Cause loving you 因为 爱你
Was not pathetic 不可悲
'Cause loving you 因为爱你
Was not pathetic yeah 不可悲
'Cause loving you 因为爱你
Was not pathetic yeah 不可悲
'Cause loving you 因为爱你
Was not pathetic yeah 不可悲
'Cause loving you 因为爱你
Was not pathetic yeah 不可悲
Pathetic your hand down on mine 你的手放我手上
Make me think that something's special 给了我自认为的特别
You touch me with a lie 你给我的感动不过是个谎言
Do you kiss all your friends 难到你吻过所有的朋友
Or am I on another level 亦或是 我是另外一种身份
You keep me in the dark 像个傻子 我被蒙在鼓里
I have to know 我必须要知道
My heart still glows 我的心仍有光
Your love's so cold 你的爱让人寒彻骨
Your love's so cold 你的爱让人寒彻骨
'Cause loving you know 因为爱你 你知道
My heart still glows 我的心仍有一线光
Your love's so cold 你的爱让人寒彻骨
Your love's so cold 你的爱让人寒彻骨
You didn't have to lead me on 无须你的带领
Why did you wait until I wanted something more 为什么你要等待我欲罢不能的时候
I thought we had it all 还以为我们万事俱备
Before you turn your back and jumped into his car 直到你转身上了他的车
I've never seen anything like it, four cats in a companionable line. The lion stirred slightly as we drew closer. 我从来没见过这样的场景:四只猫科猛兽挨着站成一排。当我们走近的时候,那狮子稍微动了一下。

cat 猫; 猫科动物
I'm too old to have a dog now. I'm a cat woman. 我太老了,养不了狗。我喜欢养猫。

let the cat out of the bag (无意中)泄露秘密;说漏嘴
I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag. 我想给大家来个惊奇,可我妹妹却先说漏了嘴。

like a cat on hot bricks局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁
She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test. 她考驾照钱前十分紧张不安。

look like sth the cat brought/dragged in衣衫褴褛;不修边幅
I must look like something the cat dragged in. 我看上去一定很邋遢。

There's no room to swing a cat' 或者'You can't swing a cat' 没有活动的余地;连转身都很难
It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.那个活动房被形容为宽敞豪华,可事实上几乎连转身的地儿都没有。

companionable [kəmˈpæniənəbl] adj.结伴的;友善的
He's a nice companionable sort of a person. 他是那种友善易处的人。

stir 微动

draw [drɔː] v 移动;行进
The train drew into the station. 火车徐徐驶入车站。
The figures in the distance seemed to be drawing closer. 远处的人影好像越来越近。
She drew a revolver on me. 她拔出左轮手枪对准我。

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
抖音: 1299389692
