听歌学英语:我哭泣 I Cry
日期:2020-11-30 15:07



I Cry——Shayne Ward


You said goodbye I fell apart 你说再见 我的世界轰然倒塌

I fell from all we had 与你的一切就此划下句点

To I never knew I needed you so bad 从来不知道 你对我如此重要

You need to let things go I know you told me so 你得放手 你如是对我说

I've been through hell to break the spell 我仿似置身炼狱 打破这个魔咒

Why did I ever let you slip away 一点点失去你 我竟毫不察觉

Can't stand another day without you没有你的日子 多一天都是煎熬

Without the feeling I once knew 熟悉的一切 荡然无存

I cry silently I cry inside of me 心里下着雨

I cry hopelessly 我绝望地哭泣

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again 因为我明白 你的爱已与我无关

I cry cause you"re not here with me 我哭 因为你已不在

Cause I'm lonely as can be 因为孤独深入骨髓

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again因为你抽离了我赖以生存的你的爱

If you could see me now 如若你此刻看到我

You would know just how 你会立刻明白

How hard I try not to wonder why 我在多么努力地克制着不去找理由

I wish I could believe in something new 多希望我可以有新的信仰

Oh please somebody tell me its not true (oh girl) 求求谁来告诉我 这一切都不是真的

I'll never be over you 你将是我永远的痛

Why did I ever let you slip away 我怎会连怎么失去你的都不知道

Can't stand another day without you没有你的日子 多一天都是煎熬

Without the feeling I once knew 熟悉的一切 荡然无存

I cry silently I cry inside of me 心里下着雨

I cry hopelessly 我绝望地哭泣

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again 因为我明白 你的爱已与我无关

I cry cause you're not here with me 我哭 因为你已不在

Cause I'm lonely as can be 因为孤独深入骨髓

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again因为你抽离了我赖以生存的你的爱

If I could have you back tomorrow如果能让你明天回心转意

If I could lose the pain and sorrow如果能让这悲痛消失

I would do just anything 我愿意做任何事情

To make you see you still love me 只为让你明白 我仍旧深爱着你

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again因为我知道再也无法感受到你的爱意

I cry silently I cry inside of me 心里下着雨

I cry hopelessly 我绝望地哭泣

Cause I never no no never breathe your love again因为我知道再也感受不到你的爱意

I cry cause you're not here with me我哭泣,因为你不在身边

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again 因为我明白 你的爱已与我无关

I cry cause you"re not here with me 我哭 因为你已不在


1. noun [naʊn] 名词

2. pronoun [ˈprəʊnaʊn] 代词:I, you, it

3. verb [vɜːb] 动词:love, is, look

4. adjective[ˈædʒɪktɪv] 形容词: good, cute

5. adverb [ˈædvɜːb] 副词: quickly, very

6. preposition [ˌprepəˈzɪʃn] 介词: to, for,in

7. conjunction [kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn] 连词: and, or, but, if, although,

8.determiner[dɪˈtɜːrmɪnər]限定词 article ['ɑrtɪkl] 冠词(a, an, the)

9. interjection [ˌɪntərˈdʒekʃn] n. 感叹词


实意动词(及物,不及物): drink,eat,look,agree

I always forget to drink water.

I don't eat pork.

He is looking at me.

I don't agree with you

系动词: is,taste,become,

I'm your boss.

This tastes very good.

The cloth feels soft.

He looks like you.

He seems to be angry with you.

The leaves became yellow.

He has turned into a handsome young man.

助动词:do, be, have

问句: Do you like me?Does he like me?

被动: The cat was killed by the tiger.

完成: I have met him already.我已经见过他了

情态动词(属于助动词,表许可,能力,可能性,推测等:must, have to, need;

can,could,be able to;

may might;

shall should;

will ,would;

dare, used to,had better


I can drive.我会开车哦。

It may be my dad/ Who can it be?

The light is on

He must have lost his mind.


I'm afraid Mr Wang _____ see you now.

A.mustn't; B.can't; C.shouldn't; D.needn't

Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr Smith.

——Ah,good morning. You_____ be Mrs Lee.

A.might; B.must; C.would; D.can

答案: B,B


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-0IutOia13KinQ1B0gtFkg

提取码: pb63

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
