听歌学英语:爱上陌生人 Loving Strangers
日期:2020-12-01 03:09



Loving Strangers - Russian Red


Loving strangers,loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

Loving strangers,loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

I've got a hole in my pocket口袋上有个洞

where all the money has gone 钱就这样不见了

I've got a whole lot of work 我竭尽所能

to do with your heart 来处理你的心

cause it's so busy mine's not 它很忙 跟我的相反

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

It's just the start of the winter 初冬季节

and I'm all alone 我独自一人

but I've got my eye right on you 但是我的目光就这样被你吸引

Give me a coin and I'll take you to the moon给我一枚硬币 我要带你飞向月球

Give me a beer and I'll kiss you so foolishly给我一杯啤酒 我会傻傻地吻你

Like you do when you lie when you're not in my thoughts 就像当你说谎的时候当我想不起你的时候

Like you do when you lie and I know it's my imagination 就像你说谎时候我明白一切只是我的想象

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

Loving strangers loving strangers爱上陌生人 爱上陌生人

Loving strangers oh爱上陌生人

继续讲词性: 形容词

1. noun [naʊn] 名词

2. pronoun [ˈprəʊnaʊn] 代词:I, you, it

3. verb [vɜːb] 动词:love, is, look

4. adjective[ˈædʒɪktɪv] 形容词: good, cute

5. adverb [ˈædvɜːb] 副词: quickly, very

6. preposition [ˌprepəˈzɪʃn] 介词: to, for,in

7. conjunction [kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn] 连词: and, or, but, if, although,

8.determiner[dɪˈtɜːrmɪnər]限定词 article ['ɑrtɪkl] 冠词(a, an, the)

9. interjection [ˌɪntərˈdʒekʃn] n. 感叹词


1.beautifful, pretty, handsome, red, blue,

2.boring, exciting,

3.depressed,skilled, well-equipped,well-known


5.a two-piece suit 两件套的西服

6.heart-to-heart talk 推心置腹的谈话

a face-to-face talk 面对面的交谈


red high-heeled shoes

a reliable friend.


She felt happy.

It's sunny.

He seems quiet today.


tall, taller, tallest

easy, easier, easiest.

beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful

Good, better, best

bad, worse, worst

much, more, most

He is taller than me.他比我高。

He is the tallest kid in his class.他是他班上个子最高的孩子。


This stew is very delicious. X (exhausted, furious,本身强烈)

This picture is more unique than the others. X (true,possible本身具有独一性)


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主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
