听歌学英语:意图 Intentions
日期:2021-01-31 16:49




Justin Bieber


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Picture perfect, you don’t need no filter 十全十美 无须滤镜

Gorgeous, make ’em drop dead, you a killer 美艳如你 秒杀一切 迷煞众人

Shower you with all my attention 我在密切关注你哦

Yeah, these are my only intentions 这是我唯一想对你说的

Stay in the kitchen cookin’ up, got your own bread上得厅堂下得厨房

Heart full of equity, you’re an asset 你里里外外都是宝

Make sure that you don’t need no mentions你不需要在意其他人

Yeah, these are my only intentions这些是我想对你说的

Shout-out to your mom and dad for makin’ you感謝父母生下了你

Standin’ ovation, they did a great job raisin’ you他们拉扯你长大 值得你感恩

When I create, you’re my muse 你是我创作的灵感缪斯

That kind of smile that makes the news你的笑容就是那新闻头条

Can’t nobody throw shade on your name in these streets沒人敢在坊間污衊你的名譽

Triple threat, you’re a boss, you a bae, you a beast你多才多藝 既溫柔也充滿魄力

You make it easy to choose 什么你都玩得转

You got a mean touch, I can’t refuse (No, I can’t refuse it)你的触碰讓我難以抗拒

Picture perfect, you don’t need no filter 十全十美 无须滤镜

Gorgeous, make ’em drop dead, you a killer 美艳如你 秒杀一切 迷煞众人

Shower you with all my attention 我在密切关注你哦

Yeah, these are my only intentions 这是我唯一想对你说的

Stay in the kitchen cookin’ up, got your own bread上得厅堂下得厨房

Heart full of equity, you’re an asset 你里里外外都是宝

Make sure that you don’t need no mentions你不需要在意其他人

Yeah, these are my only intentions这些是我想对你说的

Already passed, you don’t need no approval 你是通关体质 无须向任何人证明

Good everywhere, don’t worry ’bout no refusal你完美無缺 没人会对你说不

Second to none, you got the upper hand now如果你第二 沒有人敢說是第一

Don’t need a sponsor, nope, you’re the brand now不需要贊助人 你早已自成品牌

You’re my rock, my Colorado 你是我的磐石 我的科罗拉多

Got that ring, just like Toronto那枚戒指 用來紀念我們在多伦多的日子

Lovin’ you now, a little more tomorrow深深愛著你 我們一天比一天還親密

That’s how I feel, act like you know that you are這就是我的感覺 我知道你懂

Picture perfect, you don’t need no filter 十全十美 无须滤镜

Gorgeous, make ’em drop dead, you a killer 美艳如你 秒杀一切 迷煞众人

Shower you with all my attention 我在密切关注你哦

Yeah, these are my only intentions 这是我唯一想对你说的

Stay in the kitchen cookin’ up, got your own bread上得厅堂下得厨房

Heart full of equity, you’re an asset 你里里外外都是宝

Make sure that you don’t need no mentions你不需要在意其他人

Yeah, these are my only intentions这些是我想对你说的

No cap, no pretendin’不用帶面具 不需要偽裝

You don’t need mentions你的價值不用他人的認同

Got ’em same goals, they don’t wanna be independent不需要跟他們一樣 他們不想要獨立自主

Tell them to mind your bidness, we in our feelings叫他們管好自己就好 我們享受我們的人生

It’s fifty-fifty percentage這叫做相互尊重

Attention, we need commitment我們都需要被關心以及安全感

We gotta both admit it必須承認這點

It’s funny we both listen但有趣的是我們也都善於聆聽

It’s a blessing ’cause we both get it這是多大的恩惠 因為這樣我們就能理解對方

You the best thing and I don’t need a witness你是發生在我身上最美的事 不用任何人的肯定

I’ma find me a ring and pray it’s perfect fitted 我會替你找到一枚完美的婚戒 讓你幸福一輩子

Picture perfect, you don’t need no filter 十全十美 无须滤镜

Gorgeous, make ’em drop dead, you a killer 美艳如你 秒杀一切 迷煞众人

Shower you with all my attention 我在密切关注你哦

Yeah, these are my only intentions 这是我唯一想对你说的

Stay in the kitchen cookin’ up, got your own bread上得厅堂下得厨房

Heart full of equity, you’re an asset 你里里外外都是宝

Make sure that you don’t need no mentions你不需要在意其他人

Yeah, these are my only intentions这些是我想对你说的

That’s all I plan to do這是我唯一打算做的事


Since you're probably not intrinsically lazy, well, it's time to understand

where your laziness comes from.


Laziness is often a byproduct of a deeper issue.


But it can be tricky to figure out what's really going on.


Luckily, psychologists have narrowed down laziness into eight categories.


Each category describes a unique underlying problem.


They all create negative and unproductive mindsets.


But they stem from vastly different emotional states.


As we go through these eight categories, pay attention to which one sounds the

most like you.


The more you know about your laziness, the easier it will be to get past it .


主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
