听歌学英语:夜幕降临 Night Falls
日期:2021-02-12 12:52



Night Falls

by Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Harry, and Gil

From Descendants 3

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Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

We can counter their attack 我们能击退他们的进攻

Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks 奋战直到铠甲开裂

This could get a little sticky 必定会血流成河

How to win this battle could be tricky要赢得这场战斗不容易

But I know the best way但我有完美的战术

Fall back let me lead, you hold the line退下 让我来指挥 站成一线

And we'll bring them to their knees 我们会打得他们落花流水

Swords in the air if you're with me 听着 举起剑

They got us outnumbered one to fifty 一比五 他们人比我们多

But victory is ours但我们胜利在握

'Cause I got a strategy, you take the left因为我有主意 你对付左边

And the rest of you can follow me (uh-uh)其他人跟我来

This is my crew这是我的军队

Well this is my squad 呃 他们是我的战队

This is my turf 这是我的地盘

Oh my gosh, look guys 哦 拜托 各位

We've got bigger fish to fry 当务之急不是吵架

Put your differences aside 先一致对外

'Cause right now we're on the same side因为现在我们在同一条船上

Until the night falls, everyone 各位 等到天黑

We'll stay together 'til the battle is done 我们要并肩作战到底

Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

We can counter their attack 我们能击退他们的进攻

Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks 奋战直到铠甲开裂

Until the night falls, we're aligned 直到夜幕奖励 统一战线

It doesn't mean that we're on the same side 这并不意味着我们是战友

Watch your back, watch your back小心小心

Watch your back, watch your back小心小心

Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast 砍杀要快要恨

They're too heavy to react 他们笨重反应太迟钝

This situation's getting kinda heavy 情况不妙

Hold your weapons tight keep 'em steady 握紧武器 要稳住

'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive 因为 如果我们并肩作战 就能活着冲出去

I'll cause a distraction, 我来吸引他们的注意力

you attack them from the side 你从侧面进行袭击

All my soldiers stand at the ready 战士们 准备好

We can cut 'em up like confetti 我们能打得他们屁滚尿流

We'll hit 'em from the front, you counter from behind前后夹击

Don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the line别忘了 这将决定奥兰登的死活

This is all out war, they got us outnumbered这是一场全力以赴的战争 他们人多

The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder 刀锋相交如电闪雷鸣

And we are not going under, 我们不会败

we will never run for cover我们不会躲

We battle for the victory and ride for each other我们为胜利和彼此而战

Until the night falls everyone直到黑夜来临

We'll stay together 'til the battle is done 我们要并肩奋战到底

Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

Watch your back, watch your back 小心 小心

We can counter their attack 我们能击退他们的进攻

Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks 奋战直到铠甲开裂

Until the night falls, we're aligned直到夜幕降临 我们一字排开统一战线

It doesn't mean that we're on the same side但这不意味着我们是战友

Watch your back, watch your back小心小心

Watch your back, watch your back小心小心

Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast 砍杀要快要恨

They're too heavy to react 他们笨重反应太迟钝

Suit of armor strong and true 铠甲坚固可靠

Make this metal bust a move!让这些金属怪物开始起舞

Until the night falls, you can trust 信我 直到夜幕来临

I'm gonna help you win this battle because这场仗我们会赢 因为

I got your back, got your back有我在呢 有我在呢

Got your back, got your back有我在呢 有我在呢

All for one and that's a fact

Night fall pitch black夜幕降临 伸手不见五指



Watch less TV and read more books.


Read at least one book a month.


Delegate more chores.


Perform acts of kindness.


Be aware of current event.


Talk less, listen more.


Practice the 'Do It Now' rule.


Get yourself a reusable water bottle and use it everyday.


Increase your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)


Stop judging people.


Practice gratitude.


Give yourself more compliments.


Take more walks.


Get over a bad habit.


Join a club.


Take a 24-hour break from social media every month.


Create a cleaning schedule you'll stick to.


Tend a garden.


Learn something new each day.


Stay optimistic.

主持人微信公众号: 槲寄生Mistletoe
