听歌学英语:当你爱一个人时 When You Love Someone
日期:2021-05-08 08:06



When You Love Someone

Come home early after class 放學早點回家
Don't be hanging 'round the back of the schoolyard 不要在校園後方閒晃太晚
I've been called up by a teacher 一位老師打電話告訴我
She said she can't even reach you 'cause you're so far 說你最近表現異常 沒辦法好好與你溝通
You've been talking with your fist 你现在都用暴力解決問題
We didn't raise you up like this, now did we 我們不是這樣教你的 对吧
There've been changes in this house 這個家已经就跟以往不同
Things that you don't know about in this family 有些事是你無法了解的
It don't make sense, but nevertheless 雖然聽起來荒謬 然而
You gotta believe us, it's all for the best 你得相信我們 這對大家都好
It don't make sense the way things go 事情這樣發展 儘管難以解釋
Son you should know 但是兒子啊 你得明白
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love 有時候爸媽不再相爱
Sometimes two homes are better than one 有時分開會比在同個屋簷下好
Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young 有些事別跟你妹妹說 她還太小
Yeah, you'll understand 你有天會明白的
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
There ain't no one here to blame 這不是任何人的錯
Nothing's going to change with your old friends這也不會改變你和好友的感情
Your room will stay the same 你的房間也依舊不變
'Cause you'll only be away on the weekends 因为你会只在週末離開
It don't make sense, but nevertheless 雖然聽起來荒謬 然而
You gotta believe us, it's all for the best 你得相信我們 這對大家都好
It don't make sense 一切看起來難以解釋
It don't add up 而且矛盾至極
We'll always love you no matter what 但我們無論如何永遠愛你
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love 父母有時會分開
Sometimes two homes are better than one 有時分開會比在同個屋簷下好
Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young 有些事別跟你妹妹說 她還太小
Yeah, you'll understand 你有天會明白的
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
Come home early after class 放學早點回家
Don't be hanging 'round the back of the schoolyard 不要在校園後方閒晃太晚
And if we're crying on the couch 如果你撞見我們在沙發上哭泣
Don't let it freak you out 別因此嚇到了
This has been so hard 我們也是千百個不願意
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love 有時候爸媽會發生衝突
Sometimes the best intentions just ain't enough 有時候你一心求和也是沒用
Some things you can't tell your sister 'cause she's still too young 有些事別跟你妹妹說 她還太小
Yeah, you'll understand 你有天會明白的
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時
When you love someone 當你愛一個人時

Come home early after class放学后早点回家。
Come home early.早点回家哦。
Come home early after work.下班后早点回家。

You've been talking with your fist你最近一直在用拳头说话/用暴力解决问题
talk to the hand 懒得理你/我懒得听,不想和你说
——Hey Linda, can I ask you out?琳达,约个会怎样?
——Talk to the hand.懒得理你。

We didn't raise you up like this, now did we?我們不是這樣教你的, 对吧?
反义疑问句也叫反义附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把 握,需要对方证实。
前否后肯(前面有not, never, hardly,或者主语是否定词)
You didn't go, did you?你没去,是吗?
He won't be running in this weather, will he?这样的天气他不会去跑步,是吧?
He hardly talks, does he?他很少说话, 是吧?
Nobody went to the meeting, did they?没人去开会, 对吧?
Nothing is ready, is it?什么都没准备好,是吧?

They work hard, don’t they他们工作挺努力的,是吧?
He likes me, doesn't he?他喜欢我,是吧?
I'm late, aren't I?我迟到了,是吧?(此处等于=am I not? aren't I只能以疑问式的形式出现)
I'm flying to London tomorrow, aren't I?我明天飞伦敦,对吧?
对比一下I'm not fat, am I?我不胖,对吧?
I'm not cooking tonight, am I?今晚我不做饭,是吧?

1.Go home, will you?
Do your homework, will you?
Take his dirty gloves away ,will you?

2.Don't spoil your child, will you/can you?
Don’t make much noise, will you/can you?

3.Let us know the time of your arrival, will you?
Let me help you, will you?

4.Let's go, shall we?
Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OMrnlfIblKajq2dgJqDtwA
提取码: fv8j

琳达微信公众号: Multilingual Freaks Club

