日期:2009-07-24 16:51







We consume our eggs sparingly. My wife has to go to a lot more trouble when a hen is sitting. As the brooding hen will fly out of its roost to seek food once every other day, she has to get the feed ready for it beforehand.And she has to be careful not to let the hen heave its droppings in the roost for fear that it should cause the eggs to rot. She puts all the eggs that a hen is sitting on in lukewarm salty water to test them. Those that float are rotten and must be thrown away; those that sink are kept for the hen to continue brood. She will thus busy herself with all that for as long as three weeks un-til the chirring sound comes out of the eggs.Then she will be left in a state of great ex-citement for two or three day.

  • rottenadj. 腐烂的,腐朽的
  • rotn. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏 v. 腐烂,使 ... 枯朽,衰
  • lukewarmadj. 微温的,不热的
  • consumev. 消耗,花费,挥霍
  • saltyadj. 咸的
  • broodn. 窝 v. 孵,沉思
  • sinkn. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器 vi. 下沉,下落,