CNN名人专访(MP3 中英字幕):演员李秉宪 国际成名的滋味
日期:2014-07-15 11:55


Taking Hollywood by storm. Talk Asia interview with South Korean actor LEE BYUNG-HUN.

ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:It's the opening night of the annual Puson Film Festival. Many of South Korea's finest are here for the event. And the man all of these people are waiting for is preparing to make an entranc.-South Korean actor and heartthrob Lee Byunghun.
JOSH HARNETT, ACTOR:I became a big fan of his on set because of his sort of amazing work ethic, his ability to be at once kind of a movie star and an incredibly gifted and kind of giving actor.
演员 乔什·哈奈特:我成为他的头号粉丝,因为他有了不起的敬业精神,他能做一位电影明星,也能做一位很有天赋又愿意付出的演员。
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:You made your Hollywood debut in the action film G.I. joe. Why did you choose this vehicle to launch yourself in the United States?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:When I first heard about G.I. joe from myagent, I didn't know what it was, so I refused it at first, but everybody told me to do it because it's going to be so huge, and it's going to be a huge opportunity to go there. So, one of my really good friend(s),Park Chan-wook, who made Old Boy, he advised me, "If you really want to go to Hollywood, then why don't you choose it? That would be (a) really good chance to do it." So... that advice was so helpful to me.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:G.I. joe was a huge success. (It) netted 280 million plus at the box office. I believe that you've signed on for the sequel and also a third movie. Are you concerned at all that you may be typecast in Hollywood as the Asian bad guy?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Yeah, of course I worry about that a little bit, but I'm trying to change it.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Is it your ultimate goal to crack Hollywood?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:No, I actually didn't think about it, to go (to) Hollywood. Even (a) few years ago, nobody thought it happens, because it's just a dream for Korean actors. Nowadays, it's not a dream anymore. It's reality.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Your career started in soap operas. I think you've starred in more than 20 soap operas here in South Korea. Tell us about the country's obsession with soap operas.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:I think Korean drama(s) tend to show the real life, even though it's just the small things, small emotions, small twist. Still they really love it because the drama is like their life.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Why do you think Asia is so obsessed with South Korean pop culture?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:The Korean drama(s) (are) still talking about the family things-their love, their hate-they can feel the old emotions. That's why the Japanese people, Chinese people, like Korean dramas, and the songs normally include a lot of sadness in Korea.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Now there's not much information about your childhood. So, what was it like growing up as a kid?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:I think I was (a) silly trouble-maker. Not serious,but I was (a) kind of an out-going person, and I really liked the movies. When I was in high school, I really wanted to be a part of them, but I didn't know what to do. I've never learned acting or directing (in) my school. My major was French, and I've never said just one line in my life before that.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:How would you describe yourself as an actor? Are you a serious actor? Are you a...?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Yeah, I think I'm kind of serious. Yeah, I think I'm kind of (a) serious actor, but in my real life I'm so (such a) funny guy. And Sienna Miller said too...
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:She did. Sienna Miller said that.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Yeah, she said I'm so (such a) funny guy.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:And so did Stephen Sommers, the director. He said you've got a great... a bit of a wicked sense of humor. I think you were playing practical jokes all the time.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Yeah, that's (the) real me.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Following the success of joint security Area, Byung-hun went on to star in the critically acclaimed A Bittersweet Life and The Good, The Bad, The Weird, which premiered at Cannes in 2008. But as Byung-hun himself points out, his best work is yet to com.I understand that harshest critic, that you are never fully happy with your performance. Why is that?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:I'm tring to be perfect, especially in the shooting place, because I have a lot of responsibility to the audience, because I'm not doing this job as a joke. I had to persuade the audience with my acting, with my emotions, so that's why I really want to be perfect. It's (a) good thing as an actor, but as a human in my real life, it's so bad sometimes.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:I could not enjoy fully everything, because I always think about something. In my real life, I try to have a lot of fun and I try to be natural.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:How do you have fun? What do you do to unwind?
《亚洲名人聊天室》安娜·科伦:你会如何娱乐 ?你如何放轻松?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Watching movies, as (well as) drinking wine. That's my best time.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:Do you miss being anonymous? Are there ever days that you wish that you could just walk down the street and go unrecognized?
《亚洲名人聊天室》安娜·科伦:你怀念默默无闻的时候吗 ?有没有过那种日子,让你希望自己可以在街上走而没人认得你?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:What I really wanted to do was driving (to drive a) taxi. I borrowed a taxi from my friend. He was the boss of the taxi company, and I borrowed the taxi and I drive (drove) for like a few days. It was so fun and so interesting (an) experience.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:So you were picking up people and taking them.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:Yeah. Nobody recognized me.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:That's fantastic.
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:But, nobody recognized me because I was hiding everything.
ANNA COREN, TALK ASIA:How did it feel for those couple of days being normal, being anonymous?
LEE BYUNG-HUN, ACTOR:It was so interesting and that was so weird, the experience to me, because I'm used to be... live as an actor, so that was strange to me.

  • acclaimedn. 喝采,欢呼,赞同 v. 欢呼,喝采,称赞
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • vehiclen. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介
  • obsessionn. 困扰,沉迷,着魔,妄想
  • wickedadj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的 adv. 极端地,非常地
  • anonymousadj. 匿名的,无名的,没特色的
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • jointadj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的 n. 关节,接
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • criticn. 批评家,评论家