日期:2018-07-28 15:00





I'm Steve Ember. And I'm Barbara Klein with People in America in VOA Special English. Today we tell about Eugene McCarthy. His campaign for the presidency in nineteen sixty-eight increased popular opposition to the war in Vietnam. And it changed American history. Eugene McCarthy was a quiet and mentally gifted lawmaker from Minnesota. As a young man, he was interested in being a religious worker – or a baseball player. Later, he was a college professor. He wrote poetry. He also became active in Democratic Party politics. In the nineteen sixties, he was one of the first Democrats in the United States Congress to oppose the party leadership. He expressed opposition to the war Americans were fighting in Vietnam. And he forced a president from office.


Eugene McCarthy was born in nineteen sixteen in the town of Watkins, Minnesota. His father's parents came from Ireland. His father bought farm animals and was a storyteller. His mother raised four children. Eugene completed a study program at Saint John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota. He continued his education at the University of Minnesota. There, he completed study programs in economics and sociology. McCarthy taught social sciences in public high schools for a few years. Then he taught economics, education and sociology at two colleges in Minnesota. He married another teacher, Abigail Quigley. They would later have four children.


During World War Two, Eugene McCarthy worked as a technical aide for a military intelligence office of the War Department. He became active in the Democratic Party after the war. In nineteen forty-eight, he became head of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party of Ramsey County, Minnesota. That year he was elected to the United States House of Representatives. He served five terms.


In nineteen fifty-eight, McCarthy defeated a Republican Party senator and won a seat in the United States Senate. Two years later, he became famous by speaking at the Democratic Party's national nominating convention. He nominated Adlai Stevenson for president. But the Democrats chose John F. Kennedy as their candidate. In nineteen sixty-four, McCarthy easily won re-election to a second term in the Senate. He served in the Senate for a total of twelve years. In nineteen sixty-seven, opposition to the war the United States was fighting in Vietnam was growing. It had begun to harm President Lyndon Johnson's popular and political support. In October, thousands of demonstrators marched in Washington, D.C. to protest the increasing conflict.




Eugene McCarthy was a leader of the anti-war movement. McCarthy announced he would show his opposition to the war and to President Johnson. He asked Democrats for their support in the party's presidential primary elections in nineteen sixty-eight. "There is only one thing to do – take it to the country!" he declared. McCarthy made political campaign stops across the country. He said the American people were against the war for military, economic, diplomatic and moral reasons. And he said they wanted a change. He said: "Party unity is not a sufficient excuse for silence." He also said: "We do not need presidents who are bigger than the country, but rather ones who speak for it and support it." Many young peace activists and college students worked on McCarthy's presidential campaign. During the nineteen sixties, many students wore long hair and unusual clothing. But the students who worked for the McCarthy campaign changed their appearance. They cut their hair and wore nicer clothing. The media said these students became "Clean for Gene." His campaign for president was also called a "Children's Crusade" because of the many young people involved.


Nineteen sixty-eight was a difficult year for the nation. It was filled with surprises, tragedy, violence and sadness. The primary election in New Hampshire was the first step of the presidential nominating process. McCarthy surprised experts by winning forty-two percent of the Democratic vote in the New Hampshire primary. That was just seven percentage points behind President Johnson. The results of this vote helped the anti-war movement. They showed the deep division within the Democratic Party. A few days after McCarthy's success, Senator Robert Kennedy entered the race for the Democratic nomination for president. Robert Kennedy was a brother of President John Kennedy, who had been murdered in nineteen sixty-three. Robert Kennedy had served as the top government lawyer in his brother's administration. Senator Kennedy also opposed the Vietnam War. Many people were pleased when he announced his plans to be a candidate. But McCarthy and his supporters were angry that Kennedy had entered the race. On March thirty-first, President Johnson spoke to Americans about the war in Vietnam and his efforts to limit it. At the end of his speech, President Johnson surprised the nation. He announced that he would not seek or accept the nomination of his party for another term as president.


Another shocking event took place a few days later. On April fourth, the nation's top civil rights leader, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Junior, was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee. His death led to riots in more than one hundred cities. After the riots, Vice President Hubert Humphrey decided to seek the presidential nomination. Traditional Democrats supported him. McCarthy won Democratic primaries in four states. On June fourth, he lost the important California primary to Senator Kennedy. Then another tragic event happened. Kennedy was shot and killed in Los Angeles shortly after giving his victory speech.


In August, Democrats gathered in Chicago, Illinois for their nominating convention. Thousands of McCarthy supporters and war protesters also went to Chicago. Rioting and violent clashes broke out between the protesters and the city's police force. Inside the meeting place, delegates voted for the party's presidential candidate. But having forced President Johnson out of office, McCarthy failed to win the nomination. The Democrats nominated Humphrey as their candidate to face the Republican candidate, former Vice President Richard Nixon. Nixon defeated Humphrey in the election and became president. The war in Vietnam would continue for seven more years. After losing the fight for the nomination, McCarthy did not offer to help Vice President Humphrey. In fact, he did not express support for the Democratic candidate until a few days before the election. The next year he gave up his seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He separated from his wife of twenty-four years. He also announced he would not seek reelection to the Senate in nineteen seventy.


After retiring from the Senate, McCarthy moved to Rappahannock County, Virginia. He lived alone near the Blue Ridge Mountains. He wrote books, poetry and stories for newspapers. McCarthy was a candidate for President four other times. But he was not taken seriously as a candidate. McCarthy became increasingly critical of the two-party system and traditional politicians, even Democrats. In nineteen eighty, he supported the Republican candidate, Ronald Reagan, for president over the Democrat, President Jimmy Carter. McCarthy remained active until the end of his life. In two thousand five, he published a collection of stories and poems. It is called "Parting Shots from My Brittle Bow: Reflections on American Politics and Life." Eugene McCarthy died in two thousand five in Washington. He was eighty-nine years old. A memorial service was held at the Washington National Cathedral. Hundreds of people came to remember him. Among them were people who had worked on his campaign as college students. They said McCarthy had touched their lives with a message of hope. Former President Bill Clinton was one of the speakers at the service. He remembered that difficult year of nineteen sixty-eight. He said it all started when Eugene McCarthy was willing to stand alone and change history.




1.sufficient a. 足够的,充分的


The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.


2.riot n. 暴动,喧闹,奔放


The students broke out in a riot of laughter.


3.but rather 而宁可说是,而是


This dish is delicious but rather a trouble to prepare.


4.be filled with 充满着


His voice is filled with emotion.


5.break out 突发,爆发,叫嚷


The students broke out in a riot of laughter.


6.oppose 反对


He threw all those that opposed him into prison.





另一件令人震惊的事情发生在几天后R,qsM*W+zl@ub。4月4日,国家高级民权领袖马丁·路德·金教士在田纳西州孟菲斯市遭遇枪杀paW;qZ36aAK&,UN*o。他的死亡造成一百多个城市内的暴乱aCYV;)9]FVKzz。暴乱之后,副总统休伯特·汉弗莱决定寻求总统提名;0^HQaaB~NpQJ~。传统民主党人支持他TdXOQ*X1!adf)EexY。麦卡锡获得了四个州的民族党初选1#&L3FIYLekaJEI。6月4日,他在加利福尼亚州的重要初选中输给了肯尼迪参议员&!#2LFBovWs3t55ceV1。然后另一个悲剧发生了4Lop~nMhZg。在肯尼迪发表获胜演讲不久后,他便在洛杉矶被射杀]h5)RqH2TS6vY。8月,民主党人为提名大会聚集伊利诺斯州芝加哥O^@Br&[V5[r=Git.f。数千名麦卡锡的支持者和战争反对者同样前往芝加哥v)REe-wQ(C4(。反对者和城市警察力量之间的暴乱和暴力冲突爆发了RQUW4qZ9y+L。在会场内,代表们投票选举党内总统候选人oKub@ai+jK_。但是由于迫使约翰逊总统离任,麦卡锡没有获得提名n~W|Whr)%-。 民主党人提名汉弗莱成为他们的候选人,与共和党候选人,前任副总统尼克松对战&K4&SHA(Oz[_cK。尼克松击败汉弗莱赢得选举成为总统(S0K4XcG@OU_2HEO3J5S。越南战争又持续了7年KldqfsUw4T2Ol~iD!i*。提名失利后,麦卡锡并没有为汉弗莱副总统提供帮助28m!~25I@=bg&~_。事实上,直到选举几天之前,他才表示支持民主党候选人#C3.DtYc=#)AX9i@)5

第二年,他放弃了在参议院外交委员会的席位alL+l36e-J7@。他和妻子分居了24年_MTLdZ-rzl。1970年,他还宣布他将不会寻求参议院再选举^envLz8ylZlcMmTq@。从参议院退休后,麦卡锡搬到了弗吉尼亚州拉帕汉诺克县dfoI|jR^+Vb.NxdWdv。他独居在蓝岭山脉附近Cat.;7,94y。他为报社写书、写诗、写故事0Z(#~ke5ui%wYzV[T16。麦卡锡四次当选总统候选人,但是他并没有把候选人当回事HoDm&U|+Hyt%|F|。麦卡锡对两党制、传统政客,甚至民主党人越发不满#7omJdpUx7#FhXh。1980年,他支持共和党总统候选人罗纳德·里根而非民主党总统吉米·卡特CX_i+YVY~,|8.o。直到生命后期,麦卡锡仍保持活跃S,R~&TBeFQ@。2005年,他出版了故事诗集InMW&FcJ25=5G^(8。这本书名为《Parting Shots from My Brittle Bow: Reflections on American Politics and Life》Lr+V18xA);833。2005年,尤金·麦卡锡在华盛顿去世,享年89岁615pO6yB;jUePO-W3_V[。在华盛顿国家大教堂举行了追思会yY6FK+MR@uD#WuU(Dd8。数百人来此悼念他m|s,RyYC61i。在这些人中还有为他的阵营工作过的人_f!VDnjsHL*Qk。他们表示麦卡锡用信念触动了他们的生命Fm^%.pmOwJI^QE~^T。前总统比尔·克林顿是追思会上的发言人之一GI-6k4(Lp~4],eNO。他回忆起了艰难的1968年PTug9mUE@U。他说,这一切都起于尤金·麦卡锡愿意独立而战改变历史~9L^_0^6V|zPCcKk



  • touchedadj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的
  • ridgen. 脊,山脊,山脉
  • cathedraln. 大教堂
  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者
  • giftedadj. 有天赋的,有才华的
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • crusaden. 改革运动 Crusade n. 十字军东征 vi.
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • separatedadj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开
  • saintn. 圣人,圣徒 vt. 把 ... 封为圣人