日期:2011-03-23 12:14



英文名:Channing Tatum


When it comes to the Rome Empire, most of us will think about the ancient Roman Corps with bravery, fighting skills and relentless discipline which really impress people of generations. Have you heard about the story of Roman Ninth Legion who mysteriously disappeared in Scotland highlands in 135AD? If you don’t know much, let’s look at Channing Tatum’s performance in The Eagle.

American actor Channing Tatum stars as Marcus Aquila who has played as soldiers in several other films like Dear John etc. With a height of 185 cm and handsome figure, Channing Tatum really did very well in the film. The fighting skills and the wildness of the Roman soldiers all mastered wisely by the young actor.

Tatum was athletic while growing up, playing football, soccer, baseball, and performing martial arts and for his extraordinary energy, he was his father’s headache but this good dad always tried to lead his son to further way in sports. After graduation, Channing Tatum did many jobs from all levels and finally becomes a film star through being a model.

He was spokesman for D&G, CK and other world’s most famous brands. Also because of these facts, he was thought to be nothing but a handsome guy. But his experiences of early years working make him know better what he wants and through hard efforts he finally got rid of playing small roles. Her wonderful performance in She Is the Man and Step Up as the leading star really wins the name for him finally.
作为名模的钱宁·塔图姆,曾经为D&G等世界品牌做过广告,并且还是CK的御用模特, 但有着丰富成长经历的塔图姆,自幼便懂得用自己的努力创造自己想要的生活。查宁·塔图姆虽然以最"花瓶"的外形出道,却要走最艰难的实力路线,从开始出演连名字都上不了演员名单的角色,到终于有一天,影片《足球尤物》的制片人将该片的男一号赐给了查宁·塔图姆。加上之后不久相继上映的青春励志片《舞出我人生》,查宁·塔图姆的名字终于与龙套身份彻底告别。其演技也终于从外型的阴影下摆脱出来。

Well back to the film The Eagle, Eagle represents power, justice, elegance and wisdom. So in response to recover the eagle standard and his family name, Marcus Aquila(played by Channing Tatum), the son of the commander of the Ninth Legion, set out to solve the myth. Through the journey, he went through much such as massacre, battles, defeats etc. It also revealed royalty and friendship in the film.

we can appreciate the manhood and mettles combined perfectly in Channing Tatum just forget about his handsome figure and witness the blood and battles in thousands of years ago and have a look at what on earth has happened to the Ninth Legion.

Rome Empire n.罗马帝国
Roman Corps n.罗马军队
bravery n.勇气
relentless adj.冷酷的
Roman Ninth Legion 罗马第九军团
in response to 回答,响应
massacre n.大屠杀


  • mythn. 神话
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • extraordinaryadj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的
  • athleticadj. 运动的,活跃的,健壮的
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • relentlessadj. 无情的,冷酷的,残酷的
  • baseballn. 棒球
  • witnessn. 目击者,证人 vt. 目击,见证,出席,观察,经历
  • eaglen. 鹰 vt. (高尔夫)鹰击
  • massacren. 大屠杀 v. 大屠杀