学个词Learn a Word第1654期:Downside
日期:2015-09-07 13:28



One of the downsides of being a celebrity is the loss of privacy. 做名人的代价之一是,你的隐私会受到损伤。The downside of working from home is being forgotten by your boss for work and promotion. 在家上班的缺陷是,很容易被老板遗忘,不光是布置工作的时候,提拔的时候也是一样。The biggest downside of owning a cell phone is that you can never truly get away from it all, 带手机最大的不利之处是,你再也不能彻底摆脱周围的一切了。好的,今天我们学习的词是 downside, downside, downside...
