学个词Learn a Word 第2419期:compensate
日期:2017-09-22 09:47



今天我们要学的词是compensate. Compensate 动词,有补偿,赔偿的意思。German car maker Volkswagen is reportedly preparing to compensate owners of its diesel cars. 据报道,德国大众汽车公司准备对拥有大众柴油车的人提供补偿。RushCard, a prepaid debit card company, set aside millions of dollars to compensate its customers who temporarily lost access to their money due to technical problems. 预付借记卡公司RushCard 拿出数百万美元,对因技术问题一度无法进入帐户的用户进行赔偿。好的,今天我们学习的词是 ompensate, compensate, compensate...
