学个词Learn a Word第1763期:Rage
日期:2016-03-11 10:08


今天我们要学的词是 rage。Rage 当动词用时有“迅速而强力地蔓延,肆虐”的意思。

比如,The plague raged in the village for a year. 瘟疫在村子里横行了一年。Wildfires rage along the California coast, destroying homes and forcing hundreds to flee. 野火在美国加州海岸地区肆虐,烧毁房屋,迫使数百人逃走。Violence continued across Syria with battles raging in several cities. 叙利亚的暴力冲突还在继续,交战在数个城市中蔓延。好的,今天我们学习的词是 rage, rage, rage......

  • ragen. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行 v. 大怒,怒斥,激
  • fleevi. 逃跑,逃走,消失,(时间)飞逝 vt. 逃避
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行