听歌学英语:硬币男孩 Boy With A Coin
日期:2015-04-24 11:02



各位好,欢迎收听可可网《听歌学英语》栏目!Boy With A Coin,依然是来自Iron and Wine的一首 作品。MV里,Samuel Beam的长发和络腮胡使这个才情并茂的弱质男生看起来有种山野村夫的味道,直到他开口,才知道他的声线是温柔和明澈的。MV里身着黑色舞裙的弗拉明戈舞娘狂放的舞蹈以及这群美丽女人脸上所透露出的桀骜不驯,给这首作品赋予了让人瞬间中毒的诱惑力。盛开的迷迭香、起舞的黑天鹅。一起来听听吧!

A boy with a coin he found in the weeds 一个男孩在杂草丛中发现了一枚硬币 
With bullets and pages of trade magazines 和着一些子弹以及几本商业杂志
Close to a car that flipped on the turn 就在一辆因转弯而翻车的汽车旁边
When God left the ground to circle the world当上帝飞身忙于巡视世界之时

A girl with a bird she found in the snow 一个女孩在雪地里发现了一只小鸟 
Then flew up her gown and that’s how she knows它飞上了她长裙,小女孩这时才知道 
That God made her eyes for crying at birth 上帝赐予她双眼,于是她天生会哭泣 
Then left the ground to circle the Earth 然后上帝飞身,继续巡视俗世

Boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans 男孩把硬币匆忙塞进了牛仔裤里 
Then making a wish he tossed it in the sea 许了个愿望后,他把硬币扔进了大海
Walked to a town that all of us burn 然后走向煎熬着世人的小镇 
When God left the ground to circle the world 此时上帝飞身,继续巡视俗世

主持人Linda WeChat account:1493659189


欢迎回来。一首Boy With A Coin,歌词简单不乏画面感。这首歌表达了极为个人化的生活感受,极度具有意识流的特征,歌词里面出现的物象象征了生活的种种际遇和不幸;而MV里的佛拉门戈舞蹈亦表达了吉普赛人的生活哲学:生活越是艰难困苦,人们越是自信盎然,勇敢地迎接一切失意和磨难。不知道大家有没有感受到这股力量。好了一起来看看今天的词汇扩展:

A boy with a coin he found in the weeds
weed: n.杂草;烟草;烟叶;大麻
Baby boomers who smoked pot in their youth do not share previous generations' fear of the demon weed.婴儿潮出生的那一代人在青年时代就吸食大麻,而不是像上一代人那样对这种邪恶的东西谈之色变。(boomer n 生育高峰期出生的人;赶热闹的人)
weeds: 杂草丛;黑纱;(寡妇的)丧服
When his feet grew tired and weary, he would curl up in the weeds and rest.当它的双脚渐渐疲惫,它会蜷缩在杂草丛中暂时小憩。

Close to a car that flipped on the turn
flip: vt. 掷;轻击 vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳 adj. 无礼的;轻率的 n. 弹;筋斗
It suddenly flipped a switch inside me that I should have called him last week.我突然意识到,上周我应该给他打电话。
丢硬币 flip a coin
flip through 浏览;草草翻阅
I just flipped through the book to see what it was like.我只是浏览了一下这本书大概了解了一下。
flip over 翻页;翻过来
He flipped over the piece of paper to see what was written on the back.他把那张纸翻过来,看背面写着什么。
flip phone: 翻盖手机
Flip-Flops:人字拖 (flop v 扑通落下;笨重地摔;n 扑通声;拍击声)

turn: vt. 转动,转向;转变;n. 转弯;变化
turn-around: n 突然好转(或恶化);车辆调头处;周转
As I said, there are indications of a turnaround.正如本人前面所言,已经出现好转的迹象。
The turnaround could not come at a better time.在这个关键时刻出现逆转是最好不过了。
turn of events事态发展的变化,形势的变化
This is an unexpected turn of events. 情势的转变出乎意料。

When God left the ground to circle the world
circle: n. 循环,周期;集团,小圈子;vi. 盘旋,旋转;环行;圈
circle sth in把...圈起来
vicious circle 恶性循环 (adj. 恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的)
virtuous circle良性循环 (adj. 善良的;有道德的;贞洁的;正直的)
come full circle 兜了个圈回到原地
The irony is that I've really come full circle. 讽刺的是,我绕了一大圈然后回到了起点。
Hans will eventually come full circle and patch things up with his wife. 汉斯最终会与妻子复合恢复正常的生活。

Boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans
cram: n 填鸭式用功;死记硬背 v.把…塞进;挤满;塞满;限制
I've got to cram for tomorrow's history exam.我得为了明天的历史考试而抱抱佛脚。
Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat?你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢?
Her education was cramped by her lack of money.她因缺钱而无法深造。
Lack of money cramped our efforts.资金紧缺,再努力也没用。


主持人Linda WeChat Account:1493659189

