听歌学英语: Maybe 也许
日期:2021-04-24 02:26




Jay Sean


Beep beep on哔哔哔哔声

Now there goes my phone 电话响起

And once again再一次地

I'm just hoping it's a text from you我暗自希望是你的信息

It ain't right 我猜错了

Read your messages twice, thrice, four times a night你的信息一个晚上读了两遍三遍四遍

It's true真的

Everyday I patiently wait每天我耐心地等待

Feeling like a fool but I do anyway感觉像傻瓜但也是照样做

Nothing can feel as sweet and as real没有什么能像这样甜蜜和真实

Cause no way I would've waited in pain因为我怎么会在苦涩中等待呢

And maybe it's true I'm caught up on you也许我是真的为你沦陷了

Maybe there's a chance you're stuck on me too也许你也为我而着迷

Maybe I'm wrong it's all in my head也许我错了 这都是我一厢情愿

Maybe we're afraid of words we both hadn't said也许我害怕我们都未说出口的话

I'm always connected online 我总是在网上

Turn facebook all the time 老是盯着脸书

Hoping you've checked my profile 希望你会看我的档案

Just can't help wondering why you play it cool 情不自禁会去想 为什么你这么无动于衷

But sometimes I'm hopelessly falling for you但是 有时 我爱你爱得无可救药

Every night on the phone and I 每天晚上的电话里 我

flirt with you and I know that you like it girl跟你说着情话 我知道你喜欢这样

All jokes aside, what, say you and I不开玩笑了 要不

Come out and say what we're trying to hide你我都出来把心里的话说出来

And maybe it's true I'm caught up on you也许我是真的为你沦陷了

Maybe there's a chance you're stuck on me too也许你也为我而着迷

Maybe I'm wrong it's all in my head也许我错了 这都是我一厢情愿

Maybe we're afraid of words we both hadn't said也许我害怕我们都未说出口的话

Like I really want you 比如,我真的渴望你

I think I need you 我觉得我需要你

Maybe I miss you 也许我想念你

I'm thinking of you 我正思念着你

Like I really want you 比如,我真的渴望你

I think I need you 我觉得我需要你

Maybe I miss you 也许我想念你

I'm thinking of you 我正思念着你

And maybe it's true I'm caught up on you也许我是真的为你沦陷了

Maybe there's a chance you're stuck on me too也许你也为我而着迷

Maybe I'm wrong it's all in my head也许我错了 这都是我一厢情愿

Maybe we're afraid of words we both hadn't said也许我害怕我们都未说出口的话


apples to/and oranges苹果和桔子,指两件性质不同的事物,没有可比性

You are comparing apples to oranges.你对比的是两件完全不同的事情。

Oh, you can't compare those two companies, they're apples and oranges!


bread and butter面包和黄油,赖以生存的事物,比如工作或者特殊的技能;生计

I can't miss another day of work. That's my bread and butter.


Out-of-state visitors are our bread and butter.外省游客是我们的主要经济来源。

trial and error尝试和错误,表示试错

There's no instant way, it's just a process of trial and error.没有快速的方法,


trial [ˈtraɪəl] n. 试验;审讯;努力;磨炼

done and done: 完成,搞定.这个短语可以放在一件事情的最后,表示结束了,做好了:

Done and done, let's go home. 搞定!回家吧。


Can you do this?你能做这个吗?

Done and done= Yes, I can 当然!

fast and furious: 飞快地;电影《速度与激情》

When she told her parents about quitting job, their reaction was fast and furious.



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jMUrgWLyvSpoegtIrM4khA

提取码: iage

琳达微信公众号: Multilingual Freaks Club

