听歌学英语:心魔 Demons (歌词)
日期:2018-10-21 13:59



Demons 心魔

When the days are cold 当寒日降临
And the cards all fold 当希望落空
And the saints we see 我们看见的圣人
Are all made of gold 熠熠闪光,遥不可及 (圣人就没有黑暗面吗?不是的)
When your dreams all fail 当梦想幻灭
And the ones we hail 我们膜拜的
Are the worst of all 却是最邪恶的
And the blood's run stale 血液腐朽。
I want to hide the truth 我想隐藏这真相
I want to shelter you 帮你构筑虚拟的天堂
But with the beast inside 但我内心的野兽
There's nowhere we can hide 却无处隐藏
No matter what we breed 不管物种是何种不同,
We still are made of greed 贪念是我们的本质
This is my kingdom come 我的王国唯我独尊
This is my kingdom come 我的王国唯我独尊
When you feel my heat 当你感受到我的温度
Look into my eyes 请凝视我的双眸
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
Don't get too close 不要靠我太近
It's dark inside 这里暗无天日
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔
At the curtain's call 当一切落幕
It's the last of all 这就是结束了吗
When the lights fade out 当所有光都熄灭
All the sinners crawl 罪恶开始蠢蠢欲动
So they dug your grave 他们为你挖掘坟墓
And the masquerade 伪装终于卸下
Will come calling out 大声
At the mess you made指责你的过错
Don't want to let you down 我不想令你失望
But I am hell bound 但是我的邪恶与生俱来
Though this is all for you 尽管我所做的一切都是为了你
Don't want to hide the truth 但我不想骗你
No matter what we breed 不管物种是何种不同,
We still are made of greed 贪念是我们的本质
This is my kingdom come 我的王国唯我独尊
This is my kingdom come 我的王国唯我独尊
When you feel my heat 当你感受到我的温度
Look into my eyes 请凝视我的双眸
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
Don't get too close 不要靠我太近
It's dark inside 这里暗无天日
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔
They say it's what you make 他们说我咎由自取
I say it's up to fate 我说,命运会安排一切
It's woven in my soul 这是命中注定
I need to let you go 我必须放你走
Your eyes, they shine so bright 你的双眼,闪烁着明亮的光
I want to save their light 我想把它留住
I can't escape this now 此刻,我逃离不了
Unless you show me how 除非你来给我指引。

When you feel my heat 当你感受到我的温度
Look into my eyes 请凝视我的双眸
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 那里藏着我内心的恶魔
Don't get too close 不要靠我太近
It's dark inside 这里暗无天日
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔
It's where my demons hide 这里藏着我内心的恶魔


kingdom [ˈkɪŋdəm] n. 王国;界;领域
The kingdom's power declined.王国的势力衰弱了。
I prize my library above my kingdom. 我把我的藏书看得比我的王国还珍贵。
Microbodies are widely distributed in the plant kingdom. 微生物广泛分布于植物界。
It was infamous as a kingdom of brigands, scoundrels, and slave-traders.该地区因土匪、无赖和奴隶贩子猖獗而声名狼藉。(infamous ['ɪnfəməs]adj. 声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的; brigand['brɪɡənd] n. 强盗;土匪;盗贼 scoundrel ['skaʊndrəl] n.骗子; 恶棍;无赖;流氓;trader['tredɚ] n. 交易者;商人;商船)
n 品种;物种;血统
Certain breeds are more dangerous than others. 某些品种比其他品种更危险。
This breed of horses is both tall and heavily grown. 这种马既高且大。
Japanese firms are looking for a new breed of manager. 日本企业在寻觅新型管理人才。
The new breed is under observation. 新品种正在观察中。
v(of animals 动物) 交配繁殖
Many animals breed only at certain times of the year. 很多动物只在一年的某个时候交配繁殖。
He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs...他独自一人生活,饲养马匹和狗。
[VN] [usually passive] ~ sth into sb 以…方式教育;使养成
Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age. 他从小就养成了对失败的恐惧。
Education and experience breed a breadth of vision and understanding to him. 教育和经历使他眼界开阔。
If they are unemployed it's bound to breed resentment 如果他们失去工作,一定会产生怨恨。
Violence breeds violence. 暴力会催生更多暴力。
Poor results may breed pessimism, yet achievements may breed pride. 工作无成绩,可以使人悲观丧气;工作有成绩,又可以使人趾高气扬。
born and bred(在某地)出生并长大
I was born and bred in the highlands...我在高地地区出生和长大。



  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • crawlvi. 爬行,卑躬屈膝,自由式游泳 n. 爬行,匍匐而行
  • infamousadj. 无耻的,臭名昭著的
  • passiveadj. 被动的,消极的 n. 被动性
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • resentmentn. 怨恨,愤恨
  • foldn. 折层,折痕 vt. 折叠,包,交叉,拥抱 vi.
  • observationn. 观察,观察力,评论 adj. 被设计用来观察的
  • breadthn. 宽度
  • pessimismn. 悲观,悲观主义